Allergy to chicken


13 Years
Dec 19, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all,

Odd question perhaps. My son has an anaphylactic reaction to chicken meat. He doesn't have a problem with eggs which is great but I am wondering if there is another type of fowl that is easily mixed in with layers that I can try to use for meat for him? Chicken is supposedly the only type of fowl that they the doctor can specifically use to test for allergies so it would be a try as we go kind of thing. Given his reaction to turkeys he is likely allergic to that type of meat as well.

Quietness of the fowl and the ability to live with chickens is required. I was thinking maybe quail? Anyway, any input would be appreciated.

Muscovy ducks. They are different from regular ducks, a different species - have nails on their feet, don't require swimming.

The white muscovey are bred to come to market weight quickly. And hens lay eggs you can eat.

Check out the duck section lower on the BYC Index page.

Not pheasants - pheasants can actually breed with chickens they are so close, so could trigger your son's allergy.

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