Allie & Bino, the albino orpington chicks

Allie layed her first egg just now!
As predicted, it's pigmentless too. I thought we had a few weeks left until she layed, she really surprised me! She's only been squatting for a few days and her comb isn't all that big. She just plopped it out in the coop (I don't think she even sat down to properly "lay")... I planned to put the nest box in today when I found it.
Sorry girl.

This is my FIRST fart egg in 5 years of chicken keeping!

Allie just last week. Her comb has gotten only a little bit bigger.

Next to a dutch bantam egg!

Congrats on the egg!
Thanks Frindizzle!

I stand corrected on egg color! The egg she layed yesterday was brown and speckled!


That is one of the normal color for some of my line. I think if you wash it, you may find the speckles wash off and the color will lighten. The bloom is darker than the eggs sometimes.

Is this the color that your albino girls lay? I love the color, I'd imagine she'll lay the same color she hatched from. Those were super dark, almost Maran colored! So pretty! I've only ever had one other brown egg layer (Chippy) and her eggs were much lighter brown, making Allie's second egg the darkest egg I ever got.
I forgot to add in my post with her second egg, she layed it IN the nest box! The first day she layed, she took me completely by surprise so I didn't have her box in there yet. I put the box in the next day with a few golfballs. She got in, 'felt' them with her beak, and made a mental note for the next day. I was so excited to find her little egg in with the golf balls!

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