An egg has to be purposefully incubated. It doesn’t just develop from sitting around unattended... why would she collect a 3 week old egg out of the coop and give it to you? This makes absolutely no sense.
it doesnt make sense to me either but you can check in the picture that there is a chick in there it looks developed
i've never hatched eggs in my life so idk how im supposed to do this, is there supposed to be veins? how do i know if its alive or dead?
If it was in boiling water, it is probably not alive. I think what you are seeing when you candle is a partially hard boiled egg. Your mom may have heard air escaping from the shell from a small crack in the shell.
If it was in boiling water, it is probably not alive. I think what you are seeing when you candle is a partially hard boiled egg. Your mom may have heard air escaping from the shell from a small crack in the shell.
should i crack it the to make sure or should i keep it for a few days?

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