Almost Done...


12 Years
Apr 24, 2007
Well, I'm getting there... It's finished enough to house the chickens.

The coop has a 10'x8' floor. The front measures 10' high and slopes to 8' in the back. I've put roosts along the 8' wall so they have plenty of space, though I noticed they tend to cluster together. I put sheet shingle on the roof and added a wind turbine for better ventilation.

I still have to finish the trim around the top, paint and add new nesting boxes (external access). Hope to get that done this weekend.

The run is temporary until I can build a larger one. For the temporary one I used a dog kennel that I had lying around.


The clustering is probably temporary, Jason, they get flustered at everything new. It helps to give them an extra platform and even a couple of bales of hay to give the illusion of more safety. They like to rummage around and the more you give them to do they more relaxed they'll be. I have a friend who puts elephant bells in her coop because she likes the chiming sound the birds make with them, and she claims she can tell from a distance that all is normal, by listening to the chimes!
Very beautiful,god I am so abscessed with chicken coops ,i guess I should open my own every time I come to the net I look and look for coops.

good luck.

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