Almost had a catastrophe!


9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Forest Grove, OR
This afternoon I went grocery shopping. Left hubby home with the kids - they all needed a nap. Hubby is watching TV and our two dogs are lollying about. My hubby then gets a BIG surprise! My dog Blue, an Australian Shepherd/Doberman, walks into the TV room with a chick in his mouth!!! Hubby goes to get the chick from the Blue and the dog leaves the TV room and returns to the front room, where the chicks are, with the chick still in his mouth! Hubby gets the chick out of the dog's mouth and then has to chase it around the room - under his desk, my desk, the sewing table, oy! Catches the chick and puts it back in the tub. No puncture wounds or other signs of injury. Time to reinforce the brooder.

The chicks are in a horse feed tub inside a dog kennel. My guess is said chick learned to fly and got out of the tub and then got out of the kennel somehow. Luckily I got a large box from Target this week via mail so I can use the cardboard to line the lower section of the kennel. If I need more than that I'll have to get creative

ETA - it was the Andalusian, the one my hubby has dubbed his favorite.
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Good Puppy!!
Ours watches over the girls too:)
I am a little concerned about our incubator in the back room IF ( big IF) this hatch actually produces something. What will she do when she hears peeping starting?
Not counting my chicks yet!
That's kinda sweet in a morbid little way! Your chick gets out, and your puppy brings it back!
I thought we were the only ones things like this happened to. We have our week olds chicks and ducklings in the loft of our house. We left to go do errands with instructions to our daughter to just keep your eyes ad ears open for the lil ones. We got a frantic call that a duckling was out. Funny thing it was down stairs in the living room with our Chocolate Lab stairing at the stereo cabnet. You guessed it the duckling got downstairs (don't know how) with my hunting dog. I wish I could tell what he thinks about this nonsense of chickens and ducks that have been introduced into his life. I know he is jealous when we go upstairs to take care of the lil ones. He is not allowed upstairs. LOL!! Duckling is no worse for the wear.

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