Alpha hen

Mine that was crazy aggressive was a red sex link and an ancona. I have read that red sex links can be like that. I also have been told by many that rhode island reds don't mix well with really docile breeds like buffs, and ameraucanas. My grampa had rhode islands and they were aggressive.
Exactly...Reds dont always get along with other colours of chickens. Red birds are more aggressive.
I sold all my red hens.
My Rhode Islands seem to be pretty good. I've seen one be grumpy. But I've seen the buffs get aggressive too.
You know what I'm afraid will happen? I'll get rid of my old 5 hens and find out they weren't the ones! Ugh! I went out yesterday and one of my RI had a blood spot on her wing. I put saddles on all 3 of the ones getting picked on, it's been pretty cool here, but it's supposed to be high 80's in a couple of days. Don't you think it will be too hot for the saddles to be on?

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