Already Free Ranged


Jul 20, 2021
Central Florida
I have three new Copper Moran pullets. They were already taught to free range then go in at night in their previous home. I have only had them for a week. They are familiar with the food water and roosts in their coop. Right now I have an attached fenced area outside the coop door to train my young EEs how to free range but also be called to come for treats. The copper Moran‘s have had access to this area. They seem interested in the treats but have not came to me yet.

Should I continue to train them with the EEs or allow them to completely free range and hope they come in at night?


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I have three new Copper Moran pullets. They were already taught to free range then go in at night in their previous home. I have only had them for a week. They are familiar with the food water and roosts in their coop. Right now I have an attached fenced area outside the coop door to train my young EEs how to free range but also be called to come for treats. The copper Moran‘s have had access to this area. They seem interested in the treats but have not came to me yet.

Should I continue to train them with the EEs or allow them to completely free range and hope they come in at night?
If you let them free range all the way, they won't go far because they are still sxploring their surroundings. The more you call for them, the more they'll want to follow you (to get treats). I do it every night when I put them away, and now they do it all the time if I call, so I'd train them to come to you first or they'll just have to be herded where they need to go and that's no fun.
If you let them free range all the way, they won't go far because they are still sxploring their surroundings. The more you call for them, the more they'll want to follow you (to get treats). I do it every night when I put them away, and now they do it all the time if I call, so I'd train them to come to you first or they'll just have to be herded where they need to go and that's no fun.
I know it will take time but how long will it take?
I’ve had the marans for a week they still stare me down if I get within 5 feet of them. I call the chickens in the afternoon then at night. The shaking of the treats in the cup gets their attention. My brahmas are at my feet the Easter eggers are running and my 1maran walks but keeps her distance and the other two are staring.
Should I switch up treats to see what they like the best? Right now they love sunflower seeds.
Do I need to spend more time in the coop? Beside cleaning my coop every 2-3 days. I spend hours out just sitting watching talking listen to music and play on my phone.
Is your question about getting the birds to come for treats, or how to get them in at night? To get them in at night they need to know where home is. Closing them in for a few days teaches them this. Once they know where home is they will come in for the night without treats.
I know it will take time but how long will it take?My brahmas are at my feet the Easter eggers are running and my 1maran walks but keeps her distance and the other two are staring.
As long as it needs to for them to actually come, the other's influence will rub off on them.
Do I need to spend more time in the coop? Beside cleaning my coop every 2-3 days. I spend hours out just sitting watching talking listen to music and play on my phone.
They react more positively when you interact with them, so just hang out with them in the yard, call them to you to where your setting and get them to hang around you, or pet them (if they like it).
Here’s an update! All my chickens are now running to me when I call. The marans sometimes wait for me to exit the coop after I throw the treats on the ground but they still run to me! This is the second full day free range they have had and did great! Thanks for the information and help!

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