Alternative to Scratch feed???

As far as "snacks" go My chickens seem to like the kaytee utra waste free nut and rasin blend wild bird seed
Crude Protein (min.).........20.0%
Crude Fat (min.).............40.0%
Crude Fiber (max.)............9.0%
Moisture (max.)..............12.0%
Is this okay to indulge them with? Hope so because they seem pretty seriously crazed over it.
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I'm a newbie and very confused about feeding. Went to supply store young man told me I needed grower for pullets,layer for older girls, and oyster shell. Lady that checked me out told me all my girls needed was a good homemade scratch, table scraps, greens, and bugs. Sent me to feed and seed place after refunding my money. Said her family had raised chickens her entire life and that's all they ever fed.
I mainly throw "scratch" down for fun for them not because I think they need it. well they probably need it in the winter, but not now.  IF I would throw their layer mash.crumble down, I am sure they would eat it, but I would be afraid of the waste.  anyone have experience with just throwing down some of their layer crumble?
I have tossed some of their layer feed down and they eat it all. Never any waste! I have wild bird seed I give them now and then, cucumbers, blueberries {any berry}, etc. They nearly attack me for blueberries. Lol.. Oh, they love dandilion green too! I pull all I can now and then.

I didn't start out girls on layer feed until they were 18 weeks, and they get oyster shell & grit in separate containers as well.
As far as "snacks" go My chickens seem to like the kaytee utra waste free nut and rasin blend wild bird seed
Crude Protein (min.).........20.0%
Crude Fat (min.).............40.0%
Crude Fiber (max.)............9.0%
Moisture (max.)..............12.0%
Is this okay to indulge them with? Hope so because they seem pretty seriously crazed over it.
WOW wish i had seen and known of it years back !!! this is good stuff .....

it cost money to feed chickens what they won't eat and it is stealing the bone marrow from your laying chickens to feed them the average Layer pellet or crumble feed .

But using this in a good grain/seed mix would be Super ! or as a snack !
Thanks so much (i'm going to look for it tomorrow)
I raise exotic birds and we feed Manzuri and Zupreme pellets among other things. The birds do not always finish everyday so we give the leftovers to the chickens maybe once a week. Both pellets have listed corn in their ingredients. My birds love it. I also was going to try PVFS Omega-3 Chicken Forage Blend - irrigated - nirtocoated seed you plant in bins or in pastures for the chickens. The mix is worth a try. I have contemplated doing this by buying the different seeds but it was really costly. This packet is around $3.50 and I couldn't buy all the seeds in it (by the lb.) for that price. So this fall I'll try it. Too hot here in Florida now. Rains are horrible and I can't raise my kale or collards for lack of dry land.

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