Am I a Redneck???

I guess where I grew up being a Redneck wasn't seen as a bad thing. They are in small towns or the country. like the woods and country. Listen to country music, wear carhartt and flannel. Hunt, fish, go to tractor pulls, own 4 wheelers, animal people. Would rather wear a flannel shirt, jeans and beat up boots (Like the guy I'm seeing) then be caught in 3 inch heels and a dress (More of what I like to wear). There is nothing bad or trashy about them. Doesn't nessisarily mean farm people or country people. After reading other peoples defintions I have decided that it depends on where you are from as to how you define being a redneck. I don't think it has anything to do with just chickens though . I'm sure people will read how I define being a redneck and disagree just like others have dissagreed with how some of the other people define it. I also think there is a big difference between rednecks and hillbillys.
I won't even start with the "white trash"...LOL!

I didn't really mean to get "Heavy" in my previous post. Once I got started I just blabbed and blabbed.

And yes, I consider taking a whiz off the back porch a God Given Right!

(If my wife would let me....)
Wow, in the best definition of being a "redneck" (a hardworking person!), I will now say thank you and be proud of it.

But.... in the worse sense of it (marrying a sheep????!!)~~I will just pretend I didn't know that part!!

Redneck or not, I'm going to keep my precious little chicks, I know.
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I just wanted to say "Hello" to LuannKeller!

Thank you for your post! You are so close! I am not too far from Paris Mountain State Park. I am so glad to know you are there with great advice! Thank you. And I think that people with chickens have been some of the very best of people as well. I really do.

I have a variety of chickens right now. I have 6 Silkies, 7 Buff Orpingtons, 1 Partridge Rock, 2 Black chickens that lay very well, 2 Light Brahmas that are so gentle, 2 Ameraucanas (I love their blue eggs!) and I just received my new 26 chicks that are supposed to be Rainbow Layers & I am not quite sure what they all are right now but they are very pretty & lively. Oh--and I have 2 Black Maran chicks and 1 Welsummer chick, too. I think that is all! I really love taking care of them everyday even in this hot, humid weather we are having now.
My husband and kids think I have enough for now~~I suppose that I do, but I am not always too sure about that though!

I have only seen pictures of Seremas. They are so pretty and Tiny, too!!! I'd love to know more about them as well. They must be really nice to have, too. Lisa
I'm just proud to be an AMERICAN!.................WITH CHICKENS!!!AND A DUCK!!!

Although I was born in Brazil. I have lived in these great US of A since 1969.

Brazil is Beautiful but America is HOME!
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