Am I doing all the right things for my baby

Aussie new mum

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
Brisbane, Queensland
Hi all
Firstly, I love this forum. I'm in Australia and you all provide fantastic info.
My question is:
I have my new baby Olivia who is 7 weeks old in a large bird cage inside the coop which houses 11 month old Lolly. I let Olivia have the run of the coop for a few hours a day and lock Lolly outside. At night, Olivia gets locked in her cage and Lolly in the main part of the coop. Is this the best way to get Lolly used to her. I don't think she is old enough yet to be let ouside the coop. Can I give her any treats other than her baby chicken food? Also, I am holding her at least once a day - will she get used to me this way?
Thanks so much for your help.
How long have the been together in the same coop seeing each other ??? are they nice to each other ???
You could start giving her some treats, but remember once you add treats you also need to start giving her grit. Try starting with some plain yogurt, chopped hard-boiled egg and go from there. There's a great treat chart by buff hooligans at the top of the feeding category.
They have been in the same coop for just over a week. The older girl Lolly hasn't had a lot to do with the baby but looks at her through the bars of her cage. They haven't had any one on one interaction - I'm not sure what age this should happen.

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