Am I doing something wrong? Coturnix...

Shouldn't the males be producing sperm though too? All along I have been feeding the Purina, first few weeks, then startena, then switch over to the layena. All my other batches have laid by 6 weeks.

Shelly--at least your getting eggs. I know the older batch (their parents) egg production has slowed down, from 9 to 6 eggs, for 9 females. How long have your been laying though--the ones that are the same age as mine?
The layena I belive is 18% protein which is low for quail. My quail get gamebird at 30% protein. Try giving them green grass or clover to eat this always gets me more eggs.
Update. I switched their feed to 30% They are still getting 14 hours of light. They are starting to lay now. so, lesson learned--keep them on startena. layena's protein level is too low

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