Am I making a really big mistake???


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 29, 2009
Central North Dakota
I live 45 minutes from a feed store and only get to town about once a week. Last week my feed store was out of grower/starter and my son bought layer crumbles for my 10 week olds and 6 week olds. They have been eating this all week. I read here that could be a big problem. Can I go back to grower this weekend??? Have I really blown it??? I'm worried...My 6 weekers are RIR'S and I love them!!!
I wouldn't worry about it too much if you plan to switch back. You did what you could when you didn't have the right food. It was certainly better than no food. Layer is just high in calcium that isn't the best for the younger pullets. Just switch back to the grower as soon as you can get to the feed store.
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Thank you, I will be in town tomorrow and if TSC is still out of Grower/Starter I will scream!! It stressed me out because my little roadies are the sweetest chicks I have ever seen!!!

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