Am I over-reacting about my Neighbor and his dog who ate my chick? (kinda a lengthy vent)

I don't want to sound negative but that fence will not keep out a dog. Especially one locked in prey drive. If you are able to run electric fence, four or five vertical strands, it would help some.
I dunno. I don't have this problem. If someone acted like that in front of me I would have punched them and called animal control publically already - hubby be ******... Because if he's with me he better be respecting the fact that I don't tolerate people messing with my animals.

But some people may not have that option. And if you wanna teach the dog's owner a lesson without directly confronting him you really have no other choice.

It's either confront him directly and stop "keeping the peace" for the sake of dog, self and chickens... Or sneak around and do it indirectly so you can "keep the peace". There's no inbetween there. You talk to the guy with a serious manner and you're confronting, you don't and you're sneaking. Heck, even tying out your own dog next to the penwith the deliberate intention of it attacking the uncles dog is still sneaking. And when one or the other dog comes out bloody you won't feel any better than you will having sent it to the pound.
He doesn't sound like a real winner, he obviously didn't care about your chicken being killed and apparently doesn't respect you enough to listen when you tell him to get his dog out of there. I doubt he even disciplined the dog.

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