Am I Raising My Ducklings Right?####Still need some help####

Giving a duckling only oats is like raising a newborn baby only on cow's milk instead of formula. It LOOKS like it could be the same thing but it is far from adequate. Your ducklings are laying down the foundation to be healthy adults and you are not giving them the tools to do that. Read a label from a bag of starter and compare it to an analysis of oats and watermelon. Not even close. Please....I beg of you....get some starter. It isn't expensive and you will be glad you did. Your ducklings look to you for their life. Give them a good one.
It may be possible, but I'm not sure that its optimal.

I had to make my own duckling starter one year, because my feed store was out of chick starter. It consisted of rolled oats, wheat bran, cat kibble (expensive, nutritious variety), and broiler starter. With the broiler starter you don't have to add niacin to their diets.

In general there is just no perfect whole food that satisfies all nutritional requirements.

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