Am I right on genders for these 5?

Dec 22, 2020
Hello! I recently had one of my OEGB hatch out a clutch of 5 (not planned. By the time I found her nest the eggs were already 1.5 weeks into the incubation period) chicks. One of them is a black andalusian x Cochin silkie cross or a cs cross x another breed. And the rest are OEGB x Cochin silkie cross or a cs cross x another breed. One of the chicks somehow has black skin which is interesting because neither possible fathers have black skin and I have many chicks out of the Cochin silkie cross and his sons and none of them have black skin. 2/5 are definite cockerels but I'm kinda on the fence about the black skinned one.

Rainbow (BA x CSC/Cross of CS) (pullet)

Bumblebee (OEGB x CSC/Cross of CS) (cockerel)
IMG_20220705_181927875-01.jpeg IMG_20220705_182815088-01.jpeg

Black-skinned chick (OEGB x CSC/Cross of CS) (pullet?)
IMG_20220705_182648052_HDR-01.jpeg IMG_20220705_182442426-01.jpeg

Lighter chick. She has white feathers on her chest. Grandfather on her mom's side-OEGB-was mottled. (Pullet)

Other cockerel (OEGB x CSC/Cross of CS)
Here's the mother of the OEGB crosses IMG_20220705_190628478_HDR-01.jpeg

Possible fathers. CSC is the first one and the son of him is in the second. The black andalusian (Rainbows mother) is also in the picture shaking her wattles lol
IMG_20220305_120952244_HDR-02.jpeg IMG_20220305_120629250_HDR-01.jpeg
I agree with JedJackson. I see three for sure cockerels, one for sure pullet, and one (Rainbow) that could go either way. Being part Andalusian makes me want to lean pullet on Rainbow, but I'd give them a couple more weeks before saying anything confidently, personally.
The lighter chick with white breast feathers looks like a pullet. The black one could maybe be a pullet but I think cockerel. Give it a while longer to be sure. I believe the rest are cockerels. Not good odds but it happens to all of us.
I agree with JedJackson. I see three for sure cockerels, one for sure pullet, and one (Rainbow) that could go either way. Being part Andalusian makes me want to lean pullet on Rainbow, but I'd give them a couple more weeks before saying anything confidently, personally.
Dark skin is a cockerel, otherwise I agree
Okay, thank you all! I knew the darker one seemed roo-ish.

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