Am I using the correct feed?


10 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Cumberland, RI
I have 5 hens that we got as chicks in April (layers & pets). 4 of them are laying. I switched from 18% chick feed to 17% layer crumbles as soon as they started laying. I also provide oyster shells for them to eat as they please. My question is that my brahma isn't laying yet or showing signs of laying and it is my understanding that brahmas tend to lay later than my other breeds. Is it ok for her to eat 17% layer feed too or will that be harmful to her (too much calcium) since she isn't laying yet?
Thank you in advance for any insight!
I didn't have a problem giving my 19 week old pullets (who were graduating to hen status any day) layer feed. Some feed bags say on the back that once pullets are 18 weeks old, you should switch them to layer feed.

I believe that giving her the layer feed makes sure that her body has all the right vitamins, so that when she starts to lay eggs, she isn't missing any vital vitamins. Also, it is hard to keep a hen from eating only one type of feed, while other hens are eating a different type! You'd have to separate her, to make sure the laying hens don't eat her non-layer feed, which I personally don't like doing.

That is just my opinion, but feel free to do some research :)
Have a good week!

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