Amber link

Is any one still posting on here anymore??
Yes - but sometimes threads go quiet for a bit and then take off again. If you have more news or new photos then do post them as it puts the thread at the top pf the list again and draws folks attention.

It seems a few folk have an interest in the Amber Star - I just got mine by accident!
She is getting big now and I will be posting more pics soon.

I have one Amberlink - she's got the loveliest caramelised edge to cream feathers, heavy, and got a very gentle temperament. Isn't a lap chicken. She's the head hen at the moment.
Sound like a lovely hen. Though you can have a lap chicken that is also head hen! My Gerty loved to get lots of cuddles - though she was a Marans.

Our Amber link doesn;t have lots of caramel ends to her feathering but she sure is pretty and very soft and friendly. She is into everything and loves to be involved in whatever is going on!

Oh, I must've sounded pretty confusing! I didn't mean she was being un-cuddly at the moment because she was head hen, my bad. Your Amberlink is gorgeous! I thought all ambers were supposed to have this golden tinge but yours has a lovely creamy feathering. I've only got the one amberlink, so I'm not sure, but can some ambers be completely white-feathered?
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I hear that Amber feathers are usually very soft, however Phoebe's feathers are very rough compared to the other hens. Is this common?
Mine is not completely white she does have quite a few red tips to her underbelly feathers. Maybe these photos show it off a bit more.
Her feathers are very very soft much softer than our other hens. And she is sooooooo friendly and loves to stalk you wherever you go!

As for the colouring - I have found most sites say it varies from one hen to another? I don;t think it matters that much if they have a lot of red comming through or like mine just a bit ? You can see it more if you click to make the pic bigger!

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Here is a picture of one of my Amberlinks (if I can figure out how to post a picture). I have 5 of them and they range from almost white to some cream to brown tips.

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