Amelia Island Vacation pics.....:) *More Pics*

oh that is really cool.

Some of the historic parts remind me of when I was a kid and visited Gettysburg.

That tree canopy is beautiful.

...Did you run through the tunnel? and say, oooo or hello hello hello? and try to get an echo?
Hi Ranchie, hi mapes !!!!!

oh, I ran through those tunnels alright! no echo! just a little eeriness, And they were LONG tunnels too. Paul & I had the whole place to was only the last ten minutes we were there a dude showed up in civil war garb and started talking in the first person about the place............he was babbling about his wife Abigale in NY and how he wanted to fish and it was too hot there and he eyed me up & down and said this place needs women to do laundry.....har de har......(it was funny, he was only doing his job at a historical park)
Cool place, they also have nightly visits with candlelight, which I would LOVE to do. That will be next time.
Luna........... all the pics are amazing...... the beach ((SIGH))) not enough near me! .....

The tree canopy is stunning! ... looks really etheral.... love it!...

The barracks OMG! they are visually fantastic! ... I would so very much like to see those one day..... the tunnels.. yes erie.... I think these are my fav pics!..... any more please please please!

Awesome pictures. Amelia Island is a wonderful, wonderful place to vacation. One of my absolute favorite places to go, even tho its very close for me. Where did you stay?
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...Maybe he was really a ghost? whooOOOO whOOOOoooo

In the dark by candle light? Now THAT would be freaky cool.

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