Ameraucana, Araucana, Easter Egger? Confused.

Thank you all for replying! It was very insightful.
I went to my local feed store and they had some Ameraucana chicks in stock (talk about luck) so I picked up a few along with a Plymouth rock. They seem to be exactly what I'm looking for and I didn't end up spending a bit of money for some EE's, which was what I had originally planned on getting.
Maybe next year or come summer I'll get some EE's.
I'm so sorry to be the one to break this to you, but you got EE's. Feed stores don't carry pure Ameraucana's, but they do usually call them Americana's (notice the I). So many of us, including myself when I was new to chickens have had this happen to us.

Both EE's and Ameraucana's are great chickens to have, my EE is a fabulous layer of light green eggs.

True Ameraucana's are rare, and you have to go to a breeder to get them. You also have to know the difference between EE's and Ameraucana's because some people think they can breed what they were told is Ameraucana, but they don't know it's really an EE. True Ameraucana's lay blue eggs. (not green)

Araucana's are even more rare, and as the others have explained, they are rumpless and tufted and lay blue eggs.

Here's the Ameraucana breed index showing the approved colors for the breed:
Sorry but you got EE's I found this out when I first got my chickens also. I love EE's they are great they come in so many different colors plus they lay different colored eggs from blue to pink they are great chickens. I was hoping to get some EE's this year but the farm store didn't have them when I went to buy my chicks, I might look later and see and try and sneak a few more into the brooder.
Yep you got EE's. Araucanas and Ameraucanas only come from a breeder. I think someone posted that already. That is how I got snookered into EE's. I thought I was buying true araucanas because that is how they were labled at the feed store. Was a bit of a shock when I found out they were EE's and I had to start my search all over again.

Yes, Ameraucanas and Araucanas tend to lay blue eggs and EE's lay green and pink eggs. Most hatchery and feed store chicks may be labeled as "Ameraucana" or "Araucana" but are actually Easter Eggers
The info on the faq that someone posted early on is incorrect about their ear lobes. their ear lobes should infact be white. Red ear lobes tell you that the hen will lay light pink to medium brown eggs.
EEs are hens that conform to neither the Aracauna or the Ameraucana breed standards. However, they are decent birds, and lay just as many eggs if not more than their "purer" bred relatives.

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