Ameraucana/EE - Hens or Roos??? ADDED COMB PICS






Roos or hens?
That 1 row versus 3 rows thing isn't really true. There are plenty of girls with three row combs. And there are occasionally cockerels with only one row. My last hatch of Easter Eggers, all 5 of the girls had 3 three row combs, as did the boys.

You literally made my day!
They're colouring is very consistant so I'm hoping that they all end up hens!
You literally made my day!
They're colouring is very consistant so I'm hoping that they all end up hens!
Like I said in an earlier post, they all three have a whole lot of comb development for chicks that are still feathering in. It's not the number of rows I'm looking at. It's the overall size. Too much, too soon for pullets.

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