Ameraucana Rooster behavior- general question


Crossing the Road
7 Years
May 8, 2017
It's come to my attention that one of my Ameraucana "pullets" looks more like a roo. I am not supposed to have roosters where I live and also I have small children so usually I would just rehome, but... recently some of my flock exhibited symptoms of a respiratory condition and therefore I'm treating them as carriers and not sending them out into the world to spread their yuck.(I'm probably going to have them tested.) so, all that being said.... generally speaking are Ameraucana Roos particularly aggressive? I know it really depends on the chicken but speaking in general- (from my own reading I can assume for ex RIR Roos tend to be more aggressive, faverolle Roos more peaceful... yadda yaddayadda). I'm just curious of all the Ameraucana enthusiasts's, breeders', keepers' experience with them. Are they usually aggressive, usually loud? and any other breed specific characteristics you'd like to share. Thank you!!!!
I don't have any true Ameraucanas. However, each rooster is different and there are always exceptions to the rule. I have heard that Ameraucanas tend to be a more gentle breed. Are you sure these are not EE? Do you have a pic of him to share?
I will get a pic when I head back out there. I do have EE but these are supposedly lavender Ameraucana. I got them from a hobby breeder who does 4-h with his children and they do cross breed from time to time to experiment and see what the results are. I'm sure educational for his girls. So... that being said... lavender isn't actually a recognized Ameraucana variety... so call them what you will.
Here's the little goofball. Don't ask why he's not feathering in better. Of all my chickens he and his pullet hatch mate , another Lav Am, are feathering in the slowing. I'm hoping they turn out to be the chicken version of the ugly duckling.


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Ah, ok. I was just wondering since Ameraucanas are so often mislabeled. ;) Lavenders are so pretty! I hope they get accepted soon.
I actually find my two EE girls to be much prettier chicks. That's them dust bathing with my Cochin bantam. I've had them longer and i think they are the product of being one of a few chicks so they received a lot of TLC.
Sweet! I'm not so sure that's a cockerel. It's possible, but right now looking more like a pullet. How old?

Yes, I love the colorful variety in EEs!

Well that would be great! I guessed cockerel bc of the difference in it and the other. The man that gave them to me said one looked like maybe a cockerel but he wanted me to take both bc they were so young he wasn't sure which of either were pullets so he just wanted to increases my odds. The other is feathering in slower and when I just went back out there it looked like it had a bigger redder comb. Geez I don't know. I'll post pic of it in a min. I'm thinking around 5-6 weeks. I don't know exactly how old they were when I got them but I've only had them about 3 weeks.
Well that would be great! I guessed cockerel bc of the difference in it and the other. The man that gave them to me said one looked like maybe a cockerel but he wanted me to take both bc they were so young he wasn't sure which of either were pullets so he just wanted to increases my odds. The other is feathering in slower and when I just went back out there it looked like it had a bigger redder comb. Geez I don't know. I'll post pic of it in a min. I'm thinking around 5-6 weeks. I don't know exactly how old they were when I got them but I've only had them about 3 weeks.

It could be a cockerel - it's a little young to be sure. But I'm not seeing anything obviously male yet. :)
It's been a while but just wanted to show y'all this. I grabbed the wrong chic when I started this thread :thand just wanted to put the right one out there lol. THIS is my lav. Ameraucana roo. Bless his little heart. Decided his ugly feathering is due to previous owner feeding too low protein. Now he is on 20% protein feed and losing down and gaining big boy feathers. I'll post pics when he is all feathered in. Hoping for a handsome boy when this fugly phase is over.:fl

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