Ameraucana Rooster-Docile?


Jul 26, 2016
I am new to BYC and have a need-to-be-answered rooster question
My Dad hates roosters. Period.
But me, being the Volaille Amant that I am, convinced him into letting me do my research on the best, most docile, and kid-friendly rooster I could find. I personally L-O-V-E Ameraucanas. Roosters? Does anyone know if they are what I am looking for?
Based on the photo you added, I'm going to assume you mean Easter Eggers, not pure Ameraucanas.

EEs tend to be skittish, but are rarely aggressive. I've worked with more EE cockerels than really any other breed because they are most frequently missexed, and I have only met 3-4 aggressive ones in my time handling them.

For docile cockerels, I strongly recommend Brahmas, Cochins, and Silkies. Brahmas in particular are almost never aggressive.
I actually googled "Ameraucana" and it pulled up that pic.....
Are Brahmas, Cochins, and Silkies all broody-breed
I am looking into getting a docile rooster and a few broody hens to hatch some eggs!

I actually googled "Ameraucana" and it pulled up that pic.....
Are Brahmas, Cochins, and Silkies all broody-breed
I am looking into getting a docile rooster and a few broody hens to hatch some eggs! :jumpy

Easter Eggers are very frequently missold as pure Ameraucanas. They are actually a mixed race which was developed around the same time as pure Ameraucanas using much of the same stock. On that note, pure Ameraucanas are good birds as well, with similar temperaments to Easter Eggers.

I would call Brahmas, Cochins, and Silkies the three broodiest breeds besides gamefowl. (Honorable mention for Oriental Gamefowl as being incredibly friendly and good tempered roosters, though often rather rare and expensive).

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