Ameraucana Rooster?

He has lacing genes! Which is good. But he has roach back. His eye color is too dark btw.
I like knowing these details. Thank you. He is a hatchery bird, so I was not expecting SOP—actually I wasn’t expecting a roo!! I actually love the dark eyes ❤️ I have a mixed flock, if I decided to hatch out some chicks with a few broodies do you think his conformation would be problematic?
If you are careful with your cockerel, you should be able to break any aggression with him. My Wheaten Ameraucana cockerel born in May pecked my hand very aggressively (when I was holding one of his girls), so I immediately picked him up and walked around with him under my arm for a good couple of minutes - he hasn’t bothered me since and moves the other direction when I come in 🤣 Don’t tolerate any aggression or they will often get worse. Nip it in the bud and you should have a good chance of end up with a tolerable rooster.
Ohhh super helpful advice!!!
I'm going to say cockerel as well due to the redness of the comb. I had one that EVERYONE even the breeder was saying pullet. I was sure they were all wrong, just my gut I thought. Well when he was around 4-5 months old he proved me right. Seemed like almost over night his saddle feathers grew long & pointy then the crow started.
Yippee! Good homes for two of the boys!! It can be done :th
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I agree with the carry, carry, carry! Every time my my bigger boys try to get fancy I scoop them up and take them holo holo with me- 1-2 minutes depending on the amount of time I have. It has worked wonders and is a nice get to know and chat with you moment.
I have a feisty Dark Brahma 2+mo that will be testing this theory. He is a little big for his britches but oh so handsome (and needed wanted).
Hello all—for those of you that are curious here is a recent photo of the bird who started this thread. Suspicion confirmed. Gracie is now Grayson! I’m actually thrilled. I was ready for a roo for my flock of 20 and to have it be a chick I raised is the best. At this point, he’s a good boy and one of my more friendly birds. I have read that Ameraucana Roos can be aggressive. Please tell me that won’t happen!View attachment 2455696
I've personally never had an aggressive Ameraucana rooster. But never really had them long enough to give them the chance (no space for more than one rooster). All the ones I owned jumped on my lap for cuddles.

If he does become aggressive you may be able to break him, although some roosters may not break and just be destined for the stew pot. Time will tell. Wish you the best of luck! Ameraucanas really are the best. :hugs

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