Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

hi all, I lost my white rooster to a fox this week, I'm tore up but i need to find the ladies a new man, does anyone have a nice roo they would like to sell?
Thats awful! .
I hope you find a replacement roo soon!
Hang in there Aina, depends on where your chicks/hatching eggs have come from.
These days, many folks selling don't understand the difference between ameraucana and EEs. Keep on keeping on....back in the olden days all I got were blue eggs, that grew up to produce blue eggs the ameraucana eggs I order are more often green eggs I have several chicken friends who say they are having the same problem...that is,,,, people who SAY they are selling ameraucana eggs....yet they send green eggs. I believe these folks don't understand the difference.
Blue eggs are at least 1/2 ameraucana and green eggs are EEs.
If you are buying eggs, be sure to check on what color eggs they are selling before you buy.....if you are buying chicks, you just have to trust what they tell you.
I'm right there with you as far as being disappointed, one waits so many months for eggs only to discover you're not getting what you believed you were going to get. Been there/done that.
But be they blue or green, they are both pretty, and fine to eat.
Keep looking for those true blue egg layers and true ameraucana breeders!!!

I have to respectfully disagree. I get FABULOUS blue eggs from some of my EEs and many green eggs from my Ameraucanas - even from top, experienced breeders that absolutely know what they are doing. Egg colour in Ameraucanas still needs work. I saw that first hand at Crossroads last year.

Don't be totally discouraged if you are getting green eggs. Just keep working on it!! If you find someone with blue eggs out of birds you like, BUY THEM!!! Egg colour is not the ONLY thing to worry about breeding Ameraucanas. Just one thing.

Well, I just spent I don't know much time commenting on the two posts about the above, kit the Backspace Key twice only to have everything I wrote disappear and take me back to the original page I quoted. Man, that has happened to me at least a half dozen times now and it really ticks me off. Unfortunately, I just don't have the time nor the inclination now to go back and try to repeat everything.

So I'll just say this, there are some folks who are still selling Ameraucanas that aren't. Some know it and some don't. There are some folks like myself who sell hatching eggs (WBS in my case) that will sell eggs that aren't blue - although I always ask the Buyer if they want other than Blue. Why would anyone buy other than blue? I am selling some WHITE eggs and you can do a search on here to find out why but I will say that it was fully planned to get them.

And lastly, I'll say if you get eggs that are green and you wanted blue, then two things either occurred. Either the Buyer didn't ask enough questions or the Seller completely lied to you. And when it comes to questions you can't just ask, "Will I get all BLUE eggs?" Remember, it's what's on the inside of the egg that counts!!

Sorry if that all sounds a little abrupt or abrasive. That's not my intention. I wrote a whole lot more before and went into detail but lost it all. Now I gotta get outside and make my rounds and then think about eating. Sorry.

God Bless,
Quote: Not abrasive at all. Bummer to have a whole well thought out post disappear.

And I will bite... why did you plan to get white eggs? I ran a search but came up with only one million results! lol
I just got set up to post at ABC forum... yay!!! Is the answer there maybe? I am curious about all things ameraucana.
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I agree, I don't think your post sounded abrasive. I bought her as a started pullet at the Crossroads show, and I agree we really didn't ask questions when we bought her and that's no one's fault but our own. Like I said, the egg size is fairly impressive for a first pullet egg and if she lays well (at least 4 eggs/week) then she'll fit our needs nicely. And my first reaction when seeing the egg in the nest box was total excitement that there were 4 eggs in there (up till yesterday only 3 hens were laying). Then confusion because I had been fully expecting a blue, or at least a bluer shade of green, from her. A little disappointing, but I'm not going to be breeding my birds seriously anyway so it's not a huge deal.
So I'll just say this, there are some folks who are still selling Ameraucanas that aren't. Some know it and some don't. There are some folks like myself who sell hatching eggs (WBS in my case) that will sell eggs that aren't blue - although I always ask the Buyer if they want other than Blue. Why would anyone buy other than blue? I am selling some WHITE eggs and you can do a search on here to find out why but I will say that it was fully planned to get them.

And lastly, I'll say if you get eggs that are green and you wanted blue, then two things either occurred. Either the Buyer didn't ask enough questions or the Seller completely lied to you. And when it comes to questions you can't just ask, "Will I get all BLUE eggs?" Remember, it's what's on the inside of the egg that counts!!

Sorry if that all sounds a little abrupt or abrasive. That's not my intention. I wrote a whole lot more before and went into detail but lost it all. Now I gotta get outside and make my rounds and then think about eating. Sorry.

God Bless,

I think we also need to be careful what we are calling "green" eggs. According to the Ameraucana egg colour card, there are many, many shades of "blue" - and not all robin's egg blue like many people seem to expect. I must admit, some of what was described as "blue" on that card did not necessarily appear "blue" to my eyes but I am learning. Personally, I get a kick out of "minty blue".
I too may be a bit overly sensitive right now because there are a fair number of Canadians complaining like mad about egg colour in Ameraucanas as well on another board, and, quite frankly, being very silly about it.

(You don't sound abrupt or abrasive to me. Just frustrated and that is fair enough. We are all allowed to get that way from time to time!
Color can fade as the hens' season progresses, but the actual color will not change - just be a more faded hue of the same color. If you are getting white eggs and it's this early in the season, I would be questioning the birds' heritage.
I think we also need to be careful what we are calling "green" eggs. According to the Ameraucana egg colour card, there are many, many shades of "blue" - and not all robin's egg blue like many people seem to expect. I must admit, some of what was described as "blue" on that card did not necessarily appear "blue" to my eyes but I am learning. Personally, I get a kick out of "minty blue".
I too may be a bit overly sensitive right now because there are a fair number of Canadians complaining like mad about egg colour in Ameraucanas as well on another board, and, quite frankly, being very silly about it.

(You don't sound abrupt or abrasive to me. Just frustrated and that is fair enough. We are all allowed to get that way from time to time!

Thanks for this reality check. I have been one of those with unrealistic expectations of what a blue Ameraucana egg looks like. I realize now that the camera picks up a different hue than what we actually see. What appears blue in the photo, appears green in person and to the naked eye. Here is an example of one of my eggs that looks blue in the photo, but in real life it looks more greenish. That happens to be an egg from one of my OEs.

Hey, guys - I'm not often in this thread, but I have a question: some of you keep saying you are getting green eggs when you believe you are buying Ameraucana eggs, and they ought to be blue. You're saying some folks are attempting to "pass off" EEs as purebred Ameraucana. My question is...why would you not ask to see pictures of the stock before buying? Wouldn't you then know if you are getting something other than Ameraucana? Just wondering.
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Hey, guys - I'm not often in this thread, but I have a question: some of you keep saying you are getting green eggs when you believe you are buying Ameraucana eggs, and they ought to be blue. You're saying some folks are attempting to "pass off" EEs as purebred Ameraucana. My question is...why would you not ask to see pictures of the stock before buying? Wouldn't you then know if you are getting something other than Ameraucana? Just wondering.

MOST of the time, yes. However, if people are buying eggs off of Ebay for instance, there are a lot of people on Ebay misrepresenting their birds, both in what they are saying, and by using photos of birds that aren't theirs. If they are buying from elsewhere, I don't know what to say about that. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the rooster could throw a less than ideal egg color into the mix, which wouldn't necessarily be the fault of the seller, if they hadn't grown out a generation of offspring to laying age yet and didn't know....
I don't know, seems like an awful lot of finger pointing for something that while yes, it is important, is FAR from the whole picture of what an Ameraucana is...JMO

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