Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I believe this is a valid question. I'd like to know the answer to this question too.
Aren't we all here to help educate each other?
ebinion is a new BYC member with only 3 posts.....let's try to help ebinion and all the other new folks interested in ameraucana and BYC.

I will guide you to the information the two individuals are inquiring about. You really need to go to the breed club for information about the breed you are interested in. So please go to the Ameraucana Breeders Club website and open up FAQ title and that will give you the information about what an Ameraucana is and what an EE is and what an Araucana is according to the basic visual standard.
how can you tell if they are ameraucana's or EE's


I think your question got lost in the discussion, sorry about that, it happens sometimes.
Ameraucanas only come in 8 accepted colors (Lavender being the exception, they are in the process of being accepted)
EE can come in many colors, most are mutts and are not bred to any standard. If they come from a hatchery or feed store they are probley EE. check out this link for lots of great infomation.
Geez- I hope I haven't been giving people bad advice! I feel like an ***.

At this stage of the project it will be trial and error basically which is the best down color but if you are after E/E(extended black) it would be best to use the solid lavender down chicks. Also the solid black down for the blacks you will be using to make splits from. IMO. I think you should go to the club site and ask all the questions you need answers to since there are more experienced people there with this particuar breed than myself.
You can reduce your pens- put all your black girls in with the lavender flock and sell all the black boys. Jes was looking for a nice big black roo last week, I think.

Well, I don't know if anyone close to me has Black Ams to replace my pullets down the road. Jes maybe the closes right now. (I could hook her up with some hatching eggs in a couple of weeks) I have one really nice Black roo and 2 nice black pullets ( I have more black pullets but these are special). I got the trio from Emmalynn (Lori) and I can't remember all of it but one pullet is from DAK (maybe the roo too) and one From Anne (CountryGirlintheCity) and are just exceptionally nice. I think I will just keep them to produce me just black to make splits with for the lavs. Lori want some hatching eggs from these ASAP and I think I do too .... I have been using them to make splits up till now. I think I will reduce my pens by getting rid of my EE Roo and putting one of these nice AM's in to help my EE flock with beards and muffs and egg color too.

What should I do with the SPORT Pullet? Keep her in the Lav Pens?
If you have a sport with an unwanted trait such as white, best thing to do honestly is cull out both her parents too, otherwise it will continue happening.
I don't understand- why would you keep the blacksseperate to make more blacks to make splits, when you could just make splits and cut out an entire pen?
I would not keep the sport in the lav pen. Maybe try her with a black roo?

I have them in separate pens because Lori wanted hatching eggs from them... that was part of my buying them.... I would like to have more NICE black pullets for the pens too.

I will put the Sport in the EE pen.... I don't know if I have her parents really. I split the flock with someone else, but I hatched everything while they were here. There was a split and a Lav pullet in with 2 lav roos. I have the roos and the Lav pullet, but not the split. So far she is the only lav chick I have.... I have been making splits up till now. Could the Sport be a silver white that Mr. Shaffer was talking about? My lavs came from him. I will not use her either way but just a thought......

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