Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I posted my photos of my "white Ameraucana" chicks here and was VERY NICELY told that because one had green legs that it made them an Easter Egger. And I was also, right away, told VERY NICELY that I would still get very pretty eggs from her. And when I asked about what made them EE's, I was VERY NICELY told that they had yellow skin somewhere in their background, that's what made their legs green (one has slate but that's not the point. I got the point, which was, somewhere back there a Non-Ameraucana was added to the mix).

While I was bummed (mainly because the ranch I bought from made *such* a big distinction between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers and sells birds separately as such), I truly appreciated the information. And the tone in which it was given.

Seriously, it's not the ABC's fault nor is it the fault of the breeders here if you end up with an EE when you thought you were getting Ameraucanas. It's disappointing, and sometimes maddening, but it's no one here's fault.

Now I'm only bummed because on the EE sexing thread they said not to send in photos of the whites. I guess they're too hard to sex as chicks? And also, this thread has cemented some decisions about the place where I get these chicks. This isn't the first time things have been a little off. So, my choice is to either accept them as they are (the breeders) or try and find someone else. I get eggs either way (well.... when they get the sex right that is! ;) )
While it is true you could upgrade your white EE to meet the standard it is also true it is much easier to get the real thing.Been there done that in the early years.Takes lots of time and lots of feed.
While it is true you could upgrade your white EE to meet the standard it is also true it is much easier to get the real thing.Been there done that in the early years.Takes lots of time and lots of feed.
True words and wise advice. Always get the best you can, cost as much to feed great birds as birds that will take a few generations to make great. Even if they cost more to start someone else has worked out the problems for you and saved you time and headaches.
Alright, snapped some pics

Wheaten Bantam Pair (these guys look around 2-3 years old) (ignore curious splash silkie in the background)

Standard Buff Pair (These guys look Very old. I'm not quite sure if I can come to an accurate guess on exactly what age...)

Pay no mind to the lovely array of cobwebs I've acquired in my coop
I was recently sold some "pure ameraucana" chicks that turned out to be EE's. This one was advertised(craigslist) as a pure ameraucana as well. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I have no expectations, just wondering if someone with a better trained eye than me can tell me if it meets the criteria. Obviously I'll have to wait on egg color still, but is there anything that disqualifies her yet? I am loving her little beard and muffs, hawk-like features, and great personality regardless. Thanks,

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I was recently sold some "pure ameraucana" chicks that turned out to be EE's. This one was advertised(craigslist) as a pure ameraucana as well. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I have no expectations, just wondering if someone with a better trained eye than me can tell me if it meets the criteria. Obviously I'll have to wait on egg color still, but is there anything that disqualifies her yet? I am loving her little beard and muffs, hawk-like features, and great personality regardless. Thanks, -Jake
When I saw this, I thought you were holding a crow before I read the post that accompanied the pictures :oops: I'll leave the answer to your question to the experts. She looks real to me, but either way she is striking!
When I saw this, I thought you were holding a crow before I read the post that accompanied the pictures

I'll leave the answer to your question to the experts. She looks real to me, but either way she is striking!
LOL, yeah, the way her legs are dangling between my son's fingers adds to the illusion. She looks much more robust/fat when standing on her own.
We got our first egg from our Americauna "Big Mama". It is our very first egg from our girls. I was so excited!!!

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