Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I posted my photos of my "white Ameraucana" chicks here and was VERY NICELY told that because one had green legs that it made them an Easter Egger. And I was also, right away, told VERY NICELY that I would still get very pretty eggs from her. And when I asked about what made them EE's, I was VERY NICELY told that they had yellow skin somewhere in their background, that's what made their legs green (one has slate but that's not the point. I got the point, which was, somewhere back there a Non-Ameraucana was added to the mix).

While I was bummed (mainly because the ranch I bought from made *such* a big distinction between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers and sells birds separately as such), I truly appreciated the information. And the tone in which it was given.

Seriously, it's not the ABC's fault nor is it the fault of the breeders here if you end up with an EE when you thought you were getting Ameraucanas. It's disappointing, and sometimes maddening, but it's no one here's fault.

Now I'm only bummed because on the EE sexing thread they said not to send in photos of the whites. I guess they're too hard to sex as chicks? And also, this thread has cemented some decisions about the place where I get these chicks. This isn't the first time things have been a little off. So, my choice is to either accept them as they are (the breeders) or try and find someone else. I get eggs either way (well.... when they get the sex right that is! ;) )

Have you tried the Easter Egger Braggers thread? They will help you. The sexing thread is geared more to the usual chipmunk type patterned EE. Solid EE are harder to sex.... so are Ams... still don't have the hang of that one yet.... have to wait for saddle feathers and crowing almost LOL

If you want REAL Ameraucanas GET you some real Ameraucanas. Keep your EE though they are better layers for the most part.
I posted this question on another thread, but got no replies, perhaps it's too general without photos, which I don't have yet.

I have 8 wheaten ameraucana chicks, almost 2 weeks old, that I hatched from eggs. I have read that I can sex them by the color of the shaft of the neck feather as they come in, that males will have black and females brown. But they all look very dark to me! I can tell that one is definitely male as he has very dark feathers along his shoulders above his wings, but all the others are feathering in light brown on their shoulders, so I can't tell. Any one know about the neck feathers, is that valid?
I posted this question on another thread, but got no replies, perhaps it's too general without photos, which I don't have yet.

I have 8 wheaten ameraucana chicks, almost 2 weeks old, that I hatched from eggs. I have read that I can sex them by the color of the shaft of the neck feather as they come in, that males will have black and females brown. But they all look very dark to me! I can tell that one is definitely male as he has very dark feathers along his shoulders above his wings, but all the others are feathering in light brown on their shoulders, so I can't tell. Any one know about the neck feathers, is that valid?


^ Two of these are pullets - the one all the way to the left (whole bird) and the one all the way to the right. See how hey have very minimal blue/black compared to the cockerel?


^ Only one is a pullet here, too. The thrid from the left. Again, minimal blue/black showing.

At 6-8wks it's pretty obvious which is which. I don't like to guess before they get to the color in the above pictures. The girls always stay light tan and the boys show all kinds of blue and black.
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I posted my photos of my "white Ameraucana" chicks here and was VERY NICELY told that because one had green legs that it made them an Easter Egger. And I was also, right away, told VERY NICELY that I would still get very pretty eggs from her. And when I asked about what made them EE's, I was VERY NICELY told that they had yellow skin somewhere in their background, that's what made their legs green (one has slate but that's not the point. I got the point, which was, somewhere back there a Non-Ameraucana was added to the mix).

While I was bummed (mainly because the ranch I bought from made *such* a big distinction between Ameraucanas and Easter Eggers and sells birds separately as such), I truly appreciated the information. And the tone in which it was given.

Seriously, it's not the ABC's fault nor is it the fault of the breeders here if you end up with an EE when you thought you were getting Ameraucanas. It's disappointing, and sometimes maddening, but it's no one here's fault.

Now I'm only bummed because on the EE sexing thread they said not to send in photos of the whites. I guess they're too hard to sex as chicks? And also, this thread has cemented some decisions about the place where I get these chicks. This isn't the first time things have been a little off. So, my choice is to either accept them as they are (the breeders) or try and find someone else. I get eggs either way (well.... when they get the sex right that is! ;) )
I live less than an hour from you and I breed and show white, blue, and black Ameraucanas. I will have chicks for sale soon. They will not be sexed
Does anyone raise just blacks? I just put Lavender/Splits in the incubator, but am looking to breed back to blacks in the future for improvement in size. Plus, the true blacks are just so stunning! Thanks
I've been away for so long and all the new EE and Ameraucana threads seem like they could cause a bit of confusion to an already confusing topic.
At the end of the day any Ameraucana thread is still going to spend half the time explaining what an Ameraucana is and is not because of the way Easter Eggers are marketed. Anyone starting a thread is going to find themselves in the position of having to pass that news along. Everyone was new to chickens once, so its always good to be nice, and a lot of the time how people take news that may not please them says more about them than you. Looking forward to seeing everyone's Amers now that the weather is getting nice.
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Well most of my girlies are EE and they are a lot of fun. I did manage to hatch two Ameraucauna from shipped eggs in mid Dec. So they are about 8 or 9 weeks old now. Just no clue yet if girls or boys. Unlike so many of my other breeds that grow & show real fast, these are really taking their time. their combs look pretty much the same, just one bird is slightly lighter shade of blue than the other.

Yeah...esp when they still don't get blue eggs or predictable color chicks from their Easter Eggers and they have kids that want to do 4H. (;
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nice lacing..
Well most of my girlies are EE and they are a lot of fun. I did manage to hatch two Ameraucauna from shipped eggs in mid Dec. So they are about 8 or 9 weeks old now. Just no clue yet if girls or boys. Unlike so many of my other breeds that grow & show real fast, these are really taking their time. their combs look pretty much the same, just one bird is slightly lighter shade of blue than the other.

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