Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Ok guys I need 9 more posts to be chicken obsessed! I think I am already that but need the title!!!!
Oh! lol I just moved my BCM out into the chicken house. I am getting my brooder ready for my Wheaten/Blue Wheaten! You know from that person we don't know who that person is! I can't wait for them to come!!!
If this is the person I got mine from they will be gorgeous!
samouw Is but we are talking about the other lady! You know!

Oh yeah, THAT lady!! Now I know which one you mean. The one that doesn't live in Southern California

I would think that by 14+ weeks a cockerel would at least be practicing its feeble attempt to crow.

Wow this tread is busy today! I left for a few minutes.... Wow where there a lot of posts!

Um, they all got on their computers at lunch time?

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