Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So, If there is green tint to the eggs should I try to breed that out of them?

Also, I have a question concerning the clubs. I see there are two. One that I am reading where the Ameraucanas came from the hybrids " Easter Eggers". And they are the original?
You can order a color wheel at

I clicked your profile and checked the photos of the eggs you posted. They look about right color wise. Here are a few examples of what I typically see. The hens have been laying for a few months now so egg color has faded some. These photos were taken at the beginning of the season. Egg color tends to pick back up after their molt. It is super hard to depict color accurately in photos. I have found that egg color varies according to the color variety, how long the hen has been laying, whether or not it's right after a molt, whether it's a pullets first eggs, etc. For me, my whites, self blues/lavenders, and blacks lay the bluest eggs. The wheatens lay a slightly paler blue egg.

*My eggs aren't quite as "dark" or saturated as they appear in these photos, but these photos were taken without a filter. Hope it helps!


Wheaten: (*the white eggs are for comparison)

So, If there is green tint to the eggs should I try to breed that out of them?

Also, I have a question concerning the clubs. I see there are two. One that I am reading where the Ameraucanas came from the hybrids " Easter Eggers". And they are the original?

You can read more about the breed history here:

The ABC was established in 1978. I am a member of the ABC and am currently the newsletter editor. Members receive a quarterly newsletter that is packed with useful breeding information, as well as a handbook. Speaking of the handbook, it was just recently updated!

Yes, IMO I would try to breed away from any greenish eggs. :)

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so these are the chicks I got from these eggs

Americana I believe
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So, If there is green tint to the eggs should I try to breed that out of them?

Also, I have a question concerning the clubs. I see there are two. One that I am reading where the Ameraucanas came from the hybrids " Easter Eggers". And they are the original?
The club started in 1978 without a name and once the breed name "Ameraucana" was decided on the club became the Ameraucana Bantam Club, since there were only bantam Ameraucanas at the time. Later when large fowl were accepted we changed the name to Ameraucana Breeders Club to be all inclusive. A few years ago many of us forked the club into two and reorganized as the Ameraucana Alliance, so we could get back to being "an alliance of folks focused on the promotion of standard bred Ameraucana and positive support for those interested in standard bred Ameraucana".
Dues start at just $10 per year. An Ameraucana Handbook is sent to 1st time members. Members receive Ameraucana Newsletters and other benefits.

Here is a link to an article I wrote 10 years ago that talks about Ameraucanas coming from Easter Eggers.
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that's ok with me if they are EE's because they are as cute as can be and healthy. I am hoping for females so we will see. I have too many roosters in my bunch already.

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