Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My sweetie wheaties are growing so fast. I talked my husband into adding 20 feet on the run and rearranging the silkie area giving 8x8 coop for the Ameraucanas. Chicken math is kicking in again. I’m ready to hatch more, I need bigger numbers to choose the best for breeders from right. LoL
My sweetie wheaties are growing so fast. I talked my husband into adding 20 feet on the run and rearranging the silkie area giving 8x8 coop for the Ameraucanas. Chicken math is kicking in again. I’m ready to hatch more, I need bigger numbers to choose the best for breeders from right. LoL
View attachment 2134734
Cute chicks!
Is this an Ameraucana or an Easter Egger? She was sold as an Ameraucana, but from what I
am reading in this thread that may not be true?
Is this an Ameraucana or an Easter Egger? She was sold as an Ameraucana, but from what I View attachment 2135621am reading in this thread that may not be true?
If from a feed store, then Easter Egger. One way to know whether someone is selling Easter Eggers is by the lack of a color name before the word Ameraucana. True Ameraucanas are always called by their color variety. (Black Ameraucana, Lavender Ameraucana, Buff Ameraucana, etc.)
Another clue is if they misspell it using an “I” (Americana)
If from a feed store, then Easter Egger. One way to know whether someone is selling Easter Eggers is by the lack of a color name before the word Ameraucana. True Ameraucanas are always called by their color variety. (Black Ameraucana, Lavender Ameraucana, Buff Ameraucana, etc.)
Another clue is if they misspell it using an “I” (Americana)
Thanks. Looks like we have an EE then. 🤪
Which is OK, I love my EEs! They are a quarter of my current flock. One is 8 years old and still laying.

My what a nice brooder space they have!
Oh, I’m good with it - especially since I still get colorful eggs! Just annoyed that as a newbie I didn’t know the ropes, lol.

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