Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have searched the internet for some pictures of Wheaton/ Blue Wheatons. Mine are now one month old. Is there any definitive way to tell which is a roo and which are pullets? (At this age?) I am going to try to get better pictures of them.
You should be able to tell. The more colorful ones, with more black or blue are your boys. The girls will be lighter and more evenly colored.

Post pics, and we'll confirm for sure!
Wheaten Boy on left, Wheaten Girl on the right
Notice all the color in the boys wings.

Hi Friends! Need some assistance please. I have decided to sell my Lav. AM pullets that are 8 mos old. 2 are laying the others haven't started yet. They are Blehm and Schaffer birds and were suppose to be LF but are bantams instead. I am looking for some help determining a fair asking price for them. They are beautiful and very sweet, but I don't have a rooster for them and I have several other breeding projects and breeds that I work with, so outfitting another coop and looking for a roo is out of the question at present time.
Thanks in advance for the help.
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Wheaten Boy on left, Wheaten Girl on the right
Notice all the color in the boys wings.

The top is too soon to tell. The bottom one looks like a pullet for now. Are those feathered legs? I wouldn't use those pics as examples- way too vague.

Pink- when you figure out what to ask for them let me know- if you can ship, that is. I have a bantam blue roo with some silver leakage. Maybe I can use banty girls to make splits? Can you make splits with blue or is that a no-no?
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Wheaten Boy on left, Wheaten Girl on the right
Notice all the color in the boys wings.

The top is too soon to tell. The bottom one looks like a pullet for now. Are those feathered legs? I wouldn't use those pics as examples- way too vague.

Pink- when you figure out what to ask for them let me know- if you can ship, that is. I have a bantam blue roo with some silver leakage. Maybe I can use banty girls to make splits? Can you make splits with blue or is that a no-no?

Happy~ I don't know that I would make splits from Blues....the two colors in my opinion should not be mixed but that is just me. I have not worked with the LAV gene, but work with Blues as you know and in my mind something tells me that the 2 just wouldn't work.
I have never shipped birds and wouldn't have the foggiest of how to go about doing it.
Any help would be appreciated figuring out shipping and how to. Doesn't a person have to be NPIP cert. to ship birds?

Thanks, Kim
Wheaten Boy on left, Wheaten Girl on the right
Notice all the color in the boys wings.

If that's a boy on the left, it is VERY poorly colored. . . . Notice how the only black is at the tips, and the rest, towards the chest and shoulder, gets a creamy whitish tinge? Pretty sure those are both girls. Pullets are allowed and should, in fact, have black tipping on the secondaries and primaries.
Wheaten Boy on left, Wheaten Girl on the right
Notice all the color in the boys wings.

If that's a boy on the left, it is VERY poorly colored. . . . Notice how the only black is at the tips, and the rest, towards the chest and shoulder, gets a creamy whitish tinge? Pretty sure those are both girls. Pullets are allowed and should, in fact, have black tipping on the secondaries and primaries.

I wouldn't use pictures if I didn't know the sex for sure. Those are not recent pictures. Here is a picture of the rooster and pullet taken last week. I didn't breed these birds, they came from shipped eggs.

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