Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Thank you, everyone! It is a work in progress. I'm trying to get the store open before I see the surgeon next week, but I'm burning the midnight oil to get it all done. LOL

And, still working on the final version of the new egg cards, too. :)

Wow! I have been gone too long! I had to look back to see the new logos. They are Awsome!
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The two were sold to me when they were a few days old as Ameracauna's. Then I was told by some one they were Easter Egger's. Any opinions on what they are for sure? I fugred some one on this site would know

They are strikingly colored, beautiful Easter Eggers. I have a blue laced roo with straw leakage, and two blue/red laced roos and a hen like yours here. Your hen is a very pretty color with the dark beard.
I have a question about Ameraucana behavior. My 2 black Ameraucana chicks about 4 weeks old are already pretty feisty, they can hunt down bugs and take flight better than my 4 month old chickens. One even caught and ate a flying butterfly yesterday. My oldest chickens I raised from day 1 mainly inside as it was the winter and went outside around month 3. These chicks grew up in a farm outside so that's all I can guess at this point. Should I be worried that I will have a couple wild, flying chickens in a couple months?
I have a question about Ameraucana behavior. My 2 black Ameraucana chicks about 4 weeks old are already pretty feisty, they can hunt down bugs and take flight better than my 4 month old chickens. One even caught and ate a flying butterfly yesterday. My oldest chickens I raised from day 1 mainly inside as it was the winter and went outside around month 3. These chicks grew up in a farm outside so that's all I can guess at this point. Should I be worried that I will have a couple wild, flying chickens in a couple months?

Well, young ones can fly the coop if startled. I've had some six month olds get over a six foot fence before. If you are worried they may get out, you can clip their wings.
I have a question about Ameraucana behavior. My 2 black Ameraucana chicks about 4 weeks old are already pretty feisty, they can hunt down bugs and take flight better than my 4 month old chickens. One even caught and ate a flying butterfly yesterday. My oldest chickens I raised from day 1 mainly inside as it was the winter and went outside around month 3. These chicks grew up in a farm outside so that's all I can guess at this point. Should I be worried that I will have a couple wild, flying chickens in a couple months?

Well that depends on what you want out of your birds other than eggs! Lol. Taming them down a little or to flying on your arm they're so glad to see you takes a lot of time. Taming them down to manageability still takes some time, but I think it's especially important with cockerel's. The more you handle them the more gentle they become...I held mine up when they were small to make eye contact. That's huge! But it just depends on how much time you have available and how bad you want them tame. I can walk up to almost any of my boys and pick them up. I have 8, 7 will let me pick them right up no chasing, just like that. So it just depends.
I was shocked when my very first EEs,( found out differently on this thread) flew like crazy and they were so little! Like little dive bombers! I got over a lifelong fear of birds 1 year ago, all I can say is I'm real glad I had those to help get me ready to handle the Ameraucanas! Not the breed because I had ordered 20 large fowl chicks! Because of my old fears. Yes, once upon a time all chickens were man eaters to me! Lol.
They can fly so well because they don't weigh as much. But my Ameraucanas are 4 months old and fly very well! Hope this helps.
Well that depends on what you want out of your birds other than eggs! Lol. Taming them down a little or to flying on your arm they're so glad to see you takes a lot of time. Taming them down to manageability still takes some time, but I think it's especially important with cockerel's. The more you handle them the more gentle they become...I held mine up when they were small to make eye contact. That's huge! But it just depends on how much time you have available and how bad you want them tame. I can walk up to almost any of my boys and pick them up. I have 8, 7 will let me pick them right up no chasing, just like that. So it just depends.
I was shocked when my very first EEs,( found out differently on this thread) flew like crazy and they were so little! Like little dive bombers! I got over a lifelong fear of birds 1 year ago, all I can say is I'm real glad I had those to help get me ready to handle the Ameraucanas! Not the breed because I had ordered 20 large fowl chicks! Because of my old fears. Yes, once upon a time all chickens were man eaters to me! Lol.
They can fly so well because they don't weigh as much. But my Ameraucanas are 4 months old and fly very well! Hope this helps.

We currently have bigger birds- barred rocks, RIR, black sex link all 4 months old. There're fairly docile and our BR rooster was the sweetest but he had to go because we live in town and I couldn't bear the thought of accidentally killing him with a collar. I'm just saying these chicks sure are spunky!

We currently have bigger birds- barred rocks, RIR, black sex link all 4 months old. There're fairly docile and our BR rooster was the sweetest but he had to go because we live in town and I couldn't bear the thought of accidentally killing him with a collar. I'm just saying these chicks sure are spunky!
That's a black sexlink boy. Not a pure Barred Rock. I think black sexlink roosters are much prettier than Barred Rock roosters.

We currently have bigger birds- barred rocks, RIR, black sex link all 4 months old. There're fairly docile and our BR rooster was the sweetest but he had to go because we live in town and I couldn't bear the thought of accidentally killing him with a collar. I'm just saying these chicks sure are spunky!

Cute picture. They have gentle spirits and their great birds!
That's a black sexlink boy. Not a pure Barred Rock. I think black sexlink roosters are much prettier than Barred Rock roosters.

Ohh that makes sense because we could not figure out why he was so much darker, so that means he and his sister are our sweetest birds. Our BR girl is quick footed and feisty.

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