Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I understand that people are the victims of purchasing Easter Eggers as Ameraucana. I truly understand that it is not their fault, and I am sorry if I came off as rude, that was not my intentions. I have been searching for good Ameraucana for the past year and studying what makes a quality bird...from leg color to type. I consider myself to have decent knowledge in the breed at this point, and would prefer to have a place where we can discuss those birds at an above-beginner level. I know many people in this thread are either new or backyard people, and that is perfectly OK, we all were once there. There is no other thread in my knowledge for Ameraucana on this site, so this appears to be my only option. All I ask is that people learn a bit about their birds and the breed before coming to this thread, so fanciers of the breed can have engaging discussions.

Sorry if anyone was upset by what I said....

Oh boy - be careful what you ask for! :)

We've had some pretty intense discussions here about...well, genetics, coloration, name it - I think we've covered the gauntlet - at least once, and probably many times!

Here's the thing - Ameraucanas are a very popular breed right now, so there are a lot of new folks coming into the breed. Some have experience with other breeds of poultry and some don't. Some have experience showing and breeding to standard, while some may have had chickens for years, but never looked at an APA Standard of Perfection before - if their hens were laying eggs, it didn't matter what kind of comb they had. :)

So, with this tremendous influx of people, with a vast range of experience, comes re-visiting what to some of us are "old" topics. The great thing about that is that new people often can shed new perspective on age-old questions that many of us have become, shall we say, "tunnel-visioned" on?

I could recommend you join the Ameraucana Breeders Club (and I hope you do!), but the truth is - the topics in our forum are a repeat of what you see here - the only real difference is that you have more, well-seasoned and experienced breeders there than here. People like Paul Smith, Clif Redden, Jan Geis...and so many others who don't come to byc.

I'm sure if you stick around a bit longer - especially with the fall show season starting up - you'll start to see more in-depth discussions as people are coming off the hatching/growing out season and getting their birds out there.
I understand that people are the victims of purchasing Easter Eggers as Ameraucana. I truly understand that it is not their fault, and I am sorry if I came off as rude, that was not my intentions. I have been searching for good Ameraucana for the past year and studying what makes a quality bird...from leg color to type. I consider myself to have decent knowledge in the breed at this point, and would prefer to have a place where we can discuss those birds at an above-beginner level. I know many people in this thread are either new or backyard people, and that is perfectly OK, we all were once there. There is no other thread in my knowledge for Ameraucana on this site, so this appears to be my only option. All I ask is that people learn a bit about their birds and the breed before coming to this thread, so fanciers of the breed can have engaging discussions.

Sorry if anyone was upset by what I said....
I suggest joining the Ameraucana Alliance so you can get into more in depth discussions. The Alliance is a breed club that is about Ameraucana chickens only. BYC is about the very broad subject of poultry with some of these narrower topics, but it can't replace the niche of a breed club.

Well, she does have very pretty lacing! At least you have a gorgeous view while you wait! :D ;)

Yes, yes, I do. Thanks, Ravyn!
Sylvester017 & Chicken5555 - thank you for your kind words. I think he's beautiful too.

Just to be clear, as there is some definite tension in the replies: I am not sad or frustrated that he is just an EE. I am not a breeder looking for future chick production, just a hobbyist. I love this chick's look, he will be a uniquely stunning rooster one day!

My friend and I had Ameraucanas and EEs -- I had one Blue Wheaten Amer(my avatar) and my friend had a Wheaten Am and several EEs from eggs she hatched. We loved these birds for their incredible sweetness. They behave so different from the more commonly known production breeds but we found our little blue and green egg layers with the muffy cheeks the most incredibly non-combative temperaments and the most kind to flockmates. On the other hand we found them a bit skittery jumpy kooky but at the same time alert cautious wary sentinels of the flock. Once they were held they allowed petting and would carry on a conversation as we spoke to them. I lost my dear 3-yr-old Blue Wheaten this year and haven't had luck with survival rate of a total 3 Amer's but my friend's EEs are well into their 5th year and producing still. Your EE is very unique and sweet looking. I hope he turns out well for you -- certainly is an eye-catcher!
Very distracting Saris.

Nice looking batch of birds there. Do they always have such down tails or is that maybe due to balancing?
Their tails aren't usually down like that. I think they have a pretty decent shape when they aren't climbing the latter or being submissive to the older birds. I need some new pics again. Haha, Always need more pictures.

I thought I didn't want wheaten AM but you might be changing my mind. Such cute little faces.
They are so pretty! Like little toasted marshmallow owls or something. I love them.

My only issue is that I came in thinking the more experienced people on the thread would be able AND willing to tell me if I had a Blue Wheaton Ameraucana. He didn't look like the ones I researched, but seemed like he might be close to it.

I had done LOTS of research, but obviously not enough on the Ameraucana breed standard. I was looking at the muffs and beard, missed the leg color.

I didn't think I'd love Ameraucanas, actually. After Jade (the bird pictured) - I find that I do love them. I was just looking for help...

I was definitely taken back by the harsh tone that appeared when I asked for help assessing him. That's unfortunate. A few people were kind enough to help this "newbie" and I am grateful for that - Thanks to them, I know for sure the breed he actually is.
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I suppose @waddles99 was fortunate enough to be born with all the knowledge that exists of what is and what is not an Ameraucana. The rest of us learn by asking questions, exchanging photos, and discussing our birds.

And yes, some birds are found not to be Ameraucanas. Since a breed is defined by a published document, the SOP, then I suppose that all those lovely Self Blue/Lavender Ameraucanas and other colors under develoment are not Ameraucanas in at least one user's point of view.

I agree the Ameraucana forum should be used to further user knowledge of Ameraucanas, not Red Sex Links, Sebrights, Wyandottes, etc. Those birds that closely resemble Ameraucanas should be discussed.

Serious breeders are a great resource. Trolls need not comment.

My only issue is that I came in thinking the more experienced people on the thread would be able AND willing to tell me if I had a Blue Wheaton Ameraucana. He didn't look like the ones I researched, but seemed like he might be close to it.

I had done LOTS of research, but obviously not enough on the Ameraucana breed standard. I was looking at the muffs and beard, missed the leg color.

I didn't think I'd love Ameraucanas, actually. After Jade (the bird pictured) - I find that I do love them. I was just looking for help...

I was definitely taken back by the harsh tone that appeared when I asked for help assessing him. That's unfortunate. A few people were kind enough to help this "newbie" and I am grateful for that - Thanks to them, I know for sure the breed he actually is.
The thing I love about these is that the EEs that you find that are so pretty can be turned into project birds if you find enough that are similar in appearance and feel up to the fun of breeding. I think it would be awesome to start a laced project, but I'm so limited on space.
There are so many colors and patterns that would look lovely with beards and muffs.

Playing around with my flock genetics over the last few years, I did develop some lovely laced EEs but they all had the gypsy head. I also had feather footed EEs. Pretty, but I was looking for different colors. All were lovely blue and aqua egg layers. I might try for blue barred EEs next year, depending on who makes the rooster cut. I do have some tricolors, and am now playing with blue-red birds.

Those, and lavender Ameraucanas.

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