Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Just popping in to say "Hi!"

Haven't had much time on the computer lately- my little girl had BIG surgery, and I just inherited a whole farm's worth of animals. Got back from the hospital and my entire lavender/split pen is broody, as well as half of my geese.

The lavender and lav cuckoo projects are coming along well- but taking a hiatus due to the broodies. Wheatens are frustratingly unproductive as usual.

I don't subscribe to anything anymore or get PM notifications, so if anybody needs me for something its best to email.
Happy Spring to everybody, wishing you all lots of cheeky chicks this year!
My understanding is Black on Black with BBS ameraucanas will yield 100% black ams
These are blehm ameraucanas from BBS line but are all black birds
I am getting blue and splash chicks as well as black
is it an easter miracle or am I mistaken re BBS all black = all black?
really, no extra sneaky roosters involved
all is secure
I know you won't believe me
I don't believe it myself
I'm just saying, secure coop, black am roo, black hens
miracle chicks, pre-colored for easter
. What is confusing you is that BBS means Black, Blue, and Splash. Not all Black. Those chicks are most likely black and blue, with maybe a splash or lavender. I'd think most likely the original breeding pen was a Blue Male and blue/black females. Then you'd get BBS plus the slight chance that a male and female both carried lavender. There could have been a black male used but that would rule out the chance of Splash. I'm so excited as my Buff bantam is laying! I've got only five or six eggs, but they were all nicely colored and shaped. I see the male breed her every day so I don't think I'll have fertility issues. But I caught them eating one of the eggs so I gotta put in another fake egg.
Glad to see you pop in! Hope your daughter recovers quickly. Sounds like you have your hands full with the animals. Maybe the girls knew you had enough to handle. I need to get you some pics of my Lavender Cuckoos from your eggs. All the chicks are doing wonderful and growing. I am excited to see this project mature. I will of course be weeding out some of the extra roos to thin down a little. Its just so hard to let those cuties know :) Keep us posted on the broodies.

Just popping in to say "Hi!"

Haven't had much time on the computer lately- my little girl had BIG surgery, and I just inherited a whole farm's worth of animals. Got back from the hospital and my entire lavender/split pen is broody, as well as half of my geese.

The lavender and lav cuckoo projects are coming along well- but taking a hiatus due to the broodies. Wheatens are frustratingly unproductive as usual.

I don't subscribe to anything anymore or get PM notifications, so if anybody needs me for something its best to email.
Happy Spring to everybody, wishing you all lots of cheeky chicks this year!
Just my LF silvers in from Jerry S. today. Looking forward to working on this color. Also have 18 BBS eggs from John M. in the bator.


I would also like to know what these feather out like????? I only see one chick with what I feel is close to normal chipmunk striping. I am wondering if someone might of crossed to white to try and improve on the Silver's somewhere in this line? I am just a little chicken farmer and no where near a Genectic expert. But I have hatched hundreds of L.F. Silvers the past 4 years and never saw this light of color??? I have a feeling they are going to be real light with a lot of white.
They are crossed with wheaten to improve on the silver's size, which is why the down looks the way it does. It will take a few generations to get to a true silver phenotype, but it is a work in progress. I will also have pure silvers to use in the cross to speed things along. They will feather out to be an intermediate color. I have been talking with the breeder about this project and have a pretty good idea of what to do to accomplish the desired results. This is a project I am very happy to be apart of. I'll be posting here and at the ABC forum as it goes forward.
I hope y'all are ready for some Jean birds. I'm thrilled. I hope she isn't disappointed ... 20 weeks old .... (I apologize in advance to those with dialup - this one is picture HEAVY!)

Sally - Black pullet

Kelly - Blue pullet

Gene - Blue cockerel (I LOVE him .... ) (Gene started out life looking lavender but as you can clearly see, he's blue ... )

With Diablo in the background - the other cockerel I'm keeping ....

Diablo (black) and Gene (blue)

Gene (my favourite .... and he knows it)

I hear you on being busy! Hope the surgery went smoothly and she heals well.

And about the broodies....I reiterate that I am the only one who has never had a broody Ameraucana. There have been short lived a few days of pretending!

What did you get for farm critters?

Just popping in to say "Hi!"

Haven't had much time on the computer lately- my little girl had BIG surgery, and I just inherited a whole farm's worth of animals. Got back from the hospital and my entire lavender/split pen is broody, as well as half of my geese.

The lavender and lav cuckoo projects are coming along well- but taking a hiatus due to the broodies. Wheatens are frustratingly unproductive as usual.

I don't subscribe to anything anymore or get PM notifications, so if anybody needs me for something its best to email.
Happy Spring to everybody, wishing you all lots of cheeky chicks this year!
I just hatched a batch of silver eggs and am wondering if anyone has had luck with sexing these based on chick down. From what I've read, the wild-type chick down should make it possible to determine gender, but the example given was for brown leghorns. Since those males don't feather out like Silver Ameraucanas, I'm not sure it would work.
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I'm having a hard time getting close enough to this broody hatched and raised 6 week old black AM to take a good picture, but I'm hoping AM experts can help me determine its sex.
How can I tell at this age whether it's a roo or pullet? Or do I have to wait longer?

Here are some of the best shots if they will help.


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