Ameraucana (?)

That barred rock is probably a male, and possibly a Black sex-link. The others all look like EE's to me--beards and muffs (most of them), green legs. No gender on them yet. The top chick has some mottling which does occur in crosses, I have quite a few home-made EE's that look like that. Keep posting as they grow!
That barred rock is probably a male, and possibly a Black sex-link. The others all look like EE's to me--beards and muffs (most of them), green legs. No gender on them yet. The top chick has some mottling which does occur in crosses, I have quite a few home-made EE's that look like that. Keep posting as they grow!
I agree on the barred rock(ish) being a rooster, but like always he's the stand-out of the group as far as personality and friendliness (and mischief) so I guess I'll keep him. Really hoping (like we all do) that I don't end up with a ton of roosters. Will add some new shots next week as they continue to grow. Thanks for the input!
Current photos on a few of the chickens. Didn't get to them all as they were destroying a yogurt bowl (and a few look so similar I didn't know which ones I'd gotten, I need to leg band them soon I suppose). Anyway, here they are:

This guy is by far, my friendliest chick. Smart bet is on him being a rooster which is fine. I live rural so no ordinances and I'm building a big enough coop to keep the roos and hens (unless I end up with a ton of roosters). Last photo shows a small waddle forming. Now that he's bigger, still likely a Barred Rock? Sex link? Any positive method of identifying?

Other than the barred chicken above, I don't have a gender guess at all. Any hen/rooster input is appreciated for the rest of these:

I know in there is an Easter Egger sexing thread and color/patterns are discussed there, but I didn't really follow it and need some 'hands on' experience. Gender guess?

Yogurt attack! In their day coop (a relatively low quality Tractor Supply hutch, but it allows them some grass access during the day while I finish their permanent coop and run). They've gotten terribly friendly and run to us when they see us, but with cats and such around I don't trust them to free range yet. Nerves and caution I guess, but I'd prefer some size to them before they run loose in the yeard.

The first bird looks like a poorly barred Barred Rock cockerel. The second and third look like mixed pullets to me. The third one is BEAUTIFUL. A little envious..
New week, new photos... I tried to get as clear of shots as they would allow for comb, tail feathers, color/pattern.

Pullet or Cockerel?







Again, any sexing opinions are appreciated.
For my information, as I'm new to Easter Eggers and still a novice at keeping chickens in general. What characteristics on #4 give him away as a cockerel? I'd thought #1 was 'just' dirty, and indeed he was, but you're correct in a single splash of a rust red color feather on his wing; so it looks like I'm leaning towards 3 of 7 cockerels out of a straight run "Ameraucana" batch. Other than them not being Ameraucanas, I suppose 3/7 isn't as bad as it could be (although it's still early and EE sexing isn't the easiest thing in the world). Here's hoping the girls stay girls...
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