
Gosh, you are right and I meant to take them down that night. Thanks for the thought.

In terms of his breeding, I am not willing to criticize him, as I think he is going for that kooky look, hence the name of the breed "mad hatter". To each his own. One woman's prince is another one's cast off, so.......
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PM me the site too- I wanna look-
but seriously-- I took all my chicken magazines with me to "work" yesterday.I worked the polls for a runoff in the county elections-- and we had 80 voters in the 12 hours- so Ihread them cover to cover again. I don't recall which one it was -- but one of them had an article on the EE. aracauna, ameracana differnces - I am thinking it was Practical Poultry -which is a non-USA publication but I got it at TSC locally- and it was spelling it amerIcana. Just FYI-I will go through and see- which issue and which magazine for sure- but I recall it becasuei have followed these threads with interest.I want beautiful blue blue eggs. But I don't really want to breed teh chickens for them. I want some for my layer pen so EE's are probably my speed. ANd the color won't be as wonderful. ANd I think the work others DO put into their breed is wonderful and does deserve recognition.

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