American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

I'm Southern Baptist, and I'll admit...I've been jaded.

I have been in a church where the Pastor and Secretary, both married to highly active members of the church, were caught cheating on their spouses. IN THE CHURCH. The music minister and youth minister, same way, at the same time. HUGE scandal in the church. Although not nearly as big of a scandal as the youth minister who was inappropriately touching underage girls.

The way I see it, if these "people" were voted to lead the church, how can we be so naive as to push someone who is dedicated to another person and to the Almighty away? How can we expect our members to be "perfect" when our own leaders cannot keep their hands to themselves and follow the commandments as well?

I simply do not see how it is right to stop the people who are living together, be it for monetary sustenance, moral support or familiarity should be turned away from joining and those who have stolen, lied, or have placed another god before Him (smoking, money, etc.) are allowed to be members within the church.

It leaves me scratching my head and makes me feel more resentful of joining any other church. How would I feel if I were to attempt to join a church around here, only to be told that I haven't lived the life that I am supposed to lead and am not "good enough" to join as part of the bride of Jesus.

On another note, membership does have it's rewards. You are able to vote on items pertaining directly to the hiring, firing, spending, budget, guidance, etc. Some churches, albeit larger ones, must have you as a member before you can participate in church functions such as picnics, church camps or gym rights.
I am not Baptist, but I am United Methodist (in the deep south nonetheless)

As I recall "all fall short of the glory of God"! And because of ALL OUR FAILINGS, we can thank Jesus Christ who paid the price for ALL SIN (which in God's eyes have no ranking. Sin is sin and all sin is separating us from Him)

Greed, lust, adultery, gossip, murder, idolatry, etc, etc.....they're all the same in God's eyes. We need to welcome the sinner and help him/her learn to walk in the way of the Lord....regardless of life circumstance

Just my $0.02 worth from a Methodist perspective
Yard full o' rocks :

I am not Baptist, but I am United Methodist (in the deep south nonetheless)

As I recall "all fall short of the glory of God"! And because of ALL OUR FAILINGS, we can thank Jesus Christ who paid the price for ALL SIN (which in God's eyes have no ranking. Sin is sin and all sin is separating us from Him)

Greed, lust, adultery, gossip, murder, idolatry, etc, etc.....they're all the same in God's eyes. We need to welcome the sinner and help him/her learn to walk in the way of the Lord....regardless of life circumstance

Just my $0.02 worth from a Methodist perspective

Oh you silly liberal Methodists, thinking everyone is the same. What are you thinking?

Kidding! Just kidding!
Oh you silly liberal Methodists, thinking everyone is the same. What are you thinking?

Kidding! Just kidding!

Well we are referred to down here as "Catholic Lite", LOL

Theology is bascially the same as Baptists with 2 primary exceptions

We believe Baptism CAN be done by methods other than immersion.

We do not necessarily conform to the theology that "once saved, always saved"

Other than that, we are pretty close to Southern Baptist in belief and tradition (which down here aint real liberal, LOL)

BTW - no offense taken
Yes, the church constitution does provide for a congregational vote, although that's not been done since about the 1960's or 70's. Thanks for reminding me about that. The proposed change to how membership is handled is actually a proposed change to the constitution, that's why folks are taking it so seriously, it's a big deal.

And yeah, there were those in the congregation that weren't happy about going out of the denomination with this hiring - but the pulpit committee didn't find anyone willing to take a part-time pastor position within the pool of American Baptist candidates.

Sally F. - Yeah, I'm shocked too, we should get a special award
The only reason I want this thread locked is because I am absorbed in it and can't tear myself away, and I have a chicken patiently perched on the bathroom tub waiting for foot surgery!!!!
Lock it for HER

Seriously, well written thoughts here.
I may be hijacking this post but I think these bible smart people can answer this for me. In this certain SB church had a hudge youth group. Over half of the congrigation was the youth. The youth minister was just wonderful and all the kids begged to go to the church. I gladly took my kids and helped anyway I could. Well it all started to fall apart when one of the kid fathers was a member of the church and fell in love with a women that didn't belong to the church....well they moved in together after she was baptised in the church and then wanted to have the paster marry them ( I knew them personally as I picked his son from school) He told them after they had lived in sin he could not help them and they both needed to find another church.
Then they attacked one of the youth leaders that had lost his mother and spent a lot of time at my house. They told him he couldn't come to our house anymore. He had to pick from the church or a serigate mother. Now the youth group is none. Did they get power happy or is there inturpitation
of the bible.
Right now I'm giving my extra eggs to the Methodist church because you don't have to belong to the church to recieve help. They help those in need.
Oh Capsernc, I'm sorry that this happened to your friend. Problems like that can tear communities apart and cause hard feelings towards all religions in general for years.
un-named - go do the surgery, we're moving slow, we'll still be here when you're done

Catching up can be your guilty pleasure (or is that innappropriate considering the topic?

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