American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

I agree with you 100% church membership should not resemble joining the moose lodge. I am definitely not pointing at the OP's church but in general.
No regrets, you are exactly right.

Cindyloo answered perfectly for me, thanks!
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Apparently it is judged to be a sin for this couple to live together as
man and wife. No matter if they are true and faithful to each other.
Married in the eyes of God.

But the church itself calls their life a sin.


It is not a greater loss for a couple married by the state to live together
in hatred?

Which is the greater wrong?
I feel badly for those people that are wanting to do good , and worship god..
and now they are basically being shunned by their church, their people.

Maybe the pastor could at least tell them where another church is that will accept them?? Like the one Squishy goes to?? Something like that..
That might make them feel better and not turn them off of religion... (which really is what it should be about, IMO..)
Spookwriter, I'm afraid if we tackle that discussion we'll get ourselves a locked thread, and I really, really do need to hear from other American Baptists about how they handle their membership procedures. sorry
well i just thought that was automatically assumed
In order to be baptised in our church you have to be saved FIRST. Salvation and acceptance of Christ is an automatic precursor to baptism

Thats what i was kinda thinking.. but its hard to say some things without "stepping on toes" or getting a flaming argument.. which we've all managed not to do so far
I guess what I'm trying to say in most cases someone whos saved isn't goin to be living in sin
most once they were saved would do something to "change the situation" I dont want to sound like I'm judging them at all, like I said we all "Saved" or not struggle with sins.. thats just an easy one to fix.... maybe the couple is saved who am I to say, but for some reason just dont feel convicted or "have dedicated their selves in a private ceremony between the two and God, just dont have legal documentation and all that" I guess my thing would be again. Be saved, then worry bout the baptizing and joining the church. I'm all over the place here.. I guess i was more or less asking the OP if their church was one that believed in being saved or that being baptized is all you need to get into heaven?
Spook there are biblical references to how the deacons of the church should be admonished if they do wrong. we are to go to each other with love and in the spirit of kindness. We're not talking about booting folks out on their hiney literally. Folks who live those lifestyles are welcome to take a seat and listen to the preaching during any service. It's just not all inclusive membership. Here's an example that may help folks understand the WHY if I may...

Say a person who has several children out of wedlock, or is living with a paramour, or whatever...alot of those decisions are charachter flaws or lack of willingness to commit to any one woman/man etc. If a person is unwilling to commit to something as simple as having ONE spouse, how will they be commited with the church itself. How reliable will they be? It is screening for level of commitment and ability to commit in the first place.

There is no such thing as greater sin. Sin is sin. In the church we are supposed to hold each other accountable. We can't hold someone else accountable if we aren't setting good examples in the beginning.
Solely on the point of membership:

When a person feels led to desire membership in the church,
they will stand and proclaim their desire.

A member in good standing will then make a verbal motion that
the church accept this person.

It will then be seconded by another member.

It is not voted on by the entire membership.

*unwritten that by the time a person has the desire to become a
member, we might already have a good ideal of who they are.
In a perfect world if husband loves the lord and wife loves the lord, pleasing the lord would seem in order and the lord offers marriage as an acceptable covering for those who choose to have a sexual relationship or as a means for others to observe that they are seperate from the unmarried that are in a sexual relationship...set apart if you will... but we are not in a perfect world. To answer your question the church is supposed to be a representative of Christ and God and they sometimes lack faith that God will do what he sets out to accomplish and become impatient. Marriage in the context of the scriptures was so one was not condemned as a fornicator according to Gods' law pertaining to sexual sins.
Yep Pampered Poultry - being saved and acceptance of Christ is before baptism. We're all good

But now it's past my bedtime, so I'll bow out and pick this back up in the morning when I get to work (where all this started, LOL)

Play nice everyone and try not to get us locked up, ok??

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