American Baptists - I need your input/exprieinces please

Hey Spooky
It doesn't say anything about the "law of the land." All the bible speaks of is any sexual relations outside marriage is fornication and fornication is wrong. It does not say that a person cannot be married if they don't have an official certified state piece of paper saying they are wed. Marriage can be authentic without a state issued marriage certificate IMO. The point the OP is trying to make is these particular folks aren't married, but just living together, in a relationship assumed to be of sexual nature. If simply living together without being married were the issue then college roommates would have problems joining the church
I don't think that's what she's getting at
If they are commited to each other in a long term meaningful relationship then they should marry or go their seperate ways. As my grandma used to say they need to "crap or get off the pot." Playing house is not okay to alot of people, both Christian and non Christian alike. It doesn't set the proper example.
Congratulations on your longstanding and successful marriage, Spook

I am blessed to see that for you, your commitment in front of God is what matters to you, and not simply the opinions of other human beings. Such that result in empty vows and influenced "commitments".

I quite agree with you, that in the Bible, marriage was a state made by promises spoken before God, not a preacher, not a judge, not a ships captain, not a peice of paper.... which I believe is covered under one of those vain things of the world that will fall away. How long does paper last anyway? Because Gods promises last forever.

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers,
nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to seperate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"
Honestly, there isn't anything that quoted that we HAVE to be married by the church or by law. Like I have said before, in the eyes of God, with you and your spouse being committed, loyal, honest, look at no other woman or man, that itself is allowable (to me!). You don't need a piece of paper or preacher to say that you are married.

IMO, man committed the marriage thing of laws and church. And so is the government (needing paper for taxes) and license to show you are married for insurance purposes. I agree with Squishy too!

Is it REALLY that bad of a sin to be living together as man and wife (or common law) when children are considered? As long the couple is not off scots free to do everything adultrous in their relationship, their children happy having a mom and a dad, I don't see anything wrong about that.
I know in one of the churches I attended as a teenager which was Babtist, not sure exactly what kind of Babtist, but the members were asked to stay after the service to vote on certain things.. It was done by more or less the topic being voted on was presented to the church by the pasture, then the members were asked by show of hands who all agree'd ( such as in this case) if the persons asking to be members, should be allowed, then if no one disagreed that they shouldn't they became members. Kinda can make things akward if someone does disagree, but in my opinon if you feel something is wrong then you need to be upfront about it and not pretend that your ok with it, and more than likely say things behind their back..

Yep.. if you are afraid to let that couple know that you DONT want them to join your church, because of your strong failth or belief that what they are doing is sinful,....then WHY do it secretly? Be up-front and proud of what you believe in..
Otherwise its just backstabbing and cowardice... IMO
I know in one of the churches I attended as a teenager which was Babtist, not sure exactly what kind of Babtist, but the members were asked to stay after the service to vote on certain things.. It was done by more or less the topic being voted on was presented to the church by the pasture, then the members were asked by show of hands who all agree'd ( such as in this case) if the persons asking to be members, should be allowed, then if no one disagreed that they shouldn't they became members. Kinda can make things akward if someone does disagree, but in my opinon if you feel something is wrong then you need to be upfront about it and not pretend that your ok with it, and more than likely say things behind their back..

Yep.. if you are afraid to let that couple know that you DONT want them to join your church, because of your strong failth or belief that what they are doing is sinful,....then WHY do it secretly? Be up-front and proud of what you believe in..
Otherwise its just backstabbing and cowardice... IMO

Someone please, give me verses from your bible, that tell us
a man and women must be married by the law of the land before
their marriage can be recognized by the church.

Romans 13 1-4 Yes, those verses say we should be subject unto the powers that be ordained under God...but who is he (preacher) to decide what is and what isnt "evil" ? And if that preacher is adding to the word to suit his own ideals then he is guilty of sin also.
and Hebrews 13 7 "who have spoken unto you the word of God"

Again the qustion is...where does it say that a man and woman must be married by the law of the land before they can attend the church? To deny anyone the right to attend a church of their choosing is wrong and would be like Jesus telling some people in the crowd around him to go away as they are not worthy of listening to God's word. IMO if a person wants to go to church and learn all they can about God and what he wants for us in our lives, then NO man should turn him/her away.​
To keep this thread open, please adhere to the original intent, which is asking for folks of the American Baptist persuasion to chime in on the issue. Just a friendly reminder not to go off on a tangent and involve folks who really don't know how all that works. Thanks.
Romans 13 1-4 Yes, those verses say we should be subject unto the powers that be ordained under God...but who is he (preacher) to decide what is and what isnt "evil" ? And if that preacher is adding to the word to suit his own ideals then he is guilty of sin also.
and Hebrews 13 7 "who have spoken unto you the word of God"

Again the qustion is...where does it say that a man and woman must be married by the law of the land before they can attend the church? To deny anyone the right to attend a church of their choosing is wrong and would be like Jesus telling some people in the crowd around him to go away as they are not worthy of listening to God's word. IMO if a person wants to go to church and learn all they can about God and what he wants for us in our lives, then NO man should turn him/her away.​

Well according to the OP, these people ARE allowed to attend services and worship along side everyone else. The issue is that they can't be added to the Official Members list (I think) unless they fix their home situation. Preacher man wants them wed or live seperately if they are going to have... um... a physical relationship.

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