American serama thread!

do they really need that much room? I figured smaller bird meant needing less room. they would also be out of the coop alot they would more then likely sitting on the couch with me and a silkie or two lol

They can be in a small cage like for overnight or for temporary safe keeping. I look at it this way, would you like to be in a closet 24/7? Like kukupecpec sez: they LOVE to play, jump,fly run like a bunch of little kids :love
Well ill post pics once the coop is built. its not "tiny" but not "huge" its like medium sized im alsp going to make a pen for when they are indoors. most likely the coop will only be for night time roosting/ when we arent there or are busy
Serama chickens are to small for meat xD
their coop might not be "huge" but they will be out of it alot too
My MIL is sure if we fattened 'em up it would be like those littler personal cornish game hens! I just keep telling her to stop drooling over my little babies!

They can be in a small cage like for overnight or for temporary safe keeping. I look at it this way, would you like to be in a closet 24/7? Like kukupecpec sez: they LOVE to play, jump,fly run like a bunch of little kids
Oh absolutely! Toy cracks me up. He likes to show off. Once he got the feel for his diaper, he would fly up onto the entertainment center and from there would aim as FAAAAR as he possibly could, sometimes getting a good 30 feet before hitting a wall. If we left the bathroom door open he would roost on the shower curtain LOL

Well ill post pics once the coop is built. its not "tiny" but not "huge" its like medium sized im alsp going to make a pen for when they are indoors. most likely the coop will only be for night time roosting/ when we arent there or are busy
I'm sure they will love it! If you are going to have them inside I'm assuming you want to spend lots of time with them as pets so I doubt they will have any complaints about a cozy roosting "coop" when they get free run in the house =)
I would highly suggest something to keep the light out o their coop though, man when Toy wanted to crow with the sun .>I< started drooling as the prospect of his little chicken body in the oven LOL
for the most part though, if we kept him up as late as us he would sleep in a little.
I'm thinking about moving my trio into my sunroom. Do any of you have pics of indoor caging or tips for minimizing the mess. I have a fish tank 2 1/2ft by 5ft I was thinking of using.

I don't have a pic. maybe can get one later..I have our house serama in a large bird cage and put cardboard around the sides to keep the mess in.
About 6"'s high for the cardboard............He uses this mostly for sleeping and eating. He loves to sit on the top of the cage
and look out the window. The cage is located in our breakfast nook. If I sit at the table to have a cup of coffee or?...He flies over onto the floor...............Then backs up to my feet waiting to be picked up.
It is very funny...........He loves roosting on my shoulder and will sleep there as long as he can.........Also, If I move to go to the sink (out of site)
He screams and runs or flies as fast as he can to get me in view. Sorry this is so long...........Can you tell I love having Buddy in the house...........
The thing to think about for a trio is if they have enough room for breeding?????????? and be aware there is going to be dust........something I just accept and try to stay on top of.....
Good Luck and Have fun.................
Well I brought them in the house, I really needed their old cage for a young SFH roo. They are just in the fish tank for now but I'm trying to figuring out how to build a second story for them. I'm not much of a carpenter but will post pics as I go.
This is Taco, he is about half as loud as Toy. Toy is loud as crap for a serama lol. This is made MUCH worse in my house with all tile floors, the crow just reverberates and drives me bonkers.
Outside, Toy's crow is quite pleasant, you can't really hear him outside of our yard, and you certainly can't hear him over the dogs in teh neighborhood barking at every moving piece of garbage or leaf or stray running down the street.

Crows at
3:44, 4:49, 5:10, 5:30 (good squeak afterwards), 5:55, 6:11
If you watch the whole thing you can hear my EE roo outside egging him on LOL
(he was a 24/7 diaper wearer, he was not happy to be confined to this little cage when she SHOULD have free run of the ENTIRE house, but I was determined to catch his little post-crow-squeak on camera so had to pen him up)

Lmao he sounds like a squeaky toy XD
my dad made a joke that we could make him crpw by squeaking a dog squeaky toy then crack up laughing lol. thats not really loud if the cockeral i get from chiquitta is as loud as that i shouldnt havr any probs. their coop will be in the garage with like 4 other roos (two phoenixs and twp EES that are tp loud to be outside) i wonder if my serama crows if they will start crowing?
Is there anything else i need to know about raising them?
also hpw friendly would the juvinilles be since we wont of raised them from day olds?
I only raised 1 of my trio and she's the "mean" one. The 2 I got as adults settled in and got fairly hand tame in a few weeks. The little brat I hatched bites if things aren't "her way".

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