American serama thread!

Ya gotta dust once a month to stay on top of mites,everyone that has birds exposed to wild birds gets them
How big is her cage? Would you be willing to post photos of your set up?

I'm soooo overthinking this, right?

Not the best picture, but this is a typical guinea pig cage. They come in different sizes. The plastic base helps keep the bedding in. I use them for temporary/quarantine housing and transportation of bantams.

I put a few large fowl pullets in the coop with my Seramas and bantams. They are getting along OK, but the pullets are so much larger, if they weren't so docile, I wouldn't try it. It can be hard to add a single bird to an established group, let alone one that is tiny. You might have luck putting her with the Silkies in the side coop, introducing her in stages.
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its not unusual to get excited and miss some mites or lice especially if you are busy checking form . a little anemia would be expected from the blood suckers. LOL I am glad you have them in a better situation. I didnt think of it earlier but some rooster booster would probably help .
Nikki the only one that has bugs is the white male that has flakes of color. All the others are clean they are from a different guy that I met. Only the 8 I picked up had mites/lice whatever they were. Long backs are genetic. So you just breed it out after each consecutive generation. The 8 are already starting to color up in their combs and feel better. They were awfully skinny and a couple have been laying soft eggs. I'm nursing the poor things. I think they are feeling better though.
glad they are feeling better. and oh good well not good for him but good that the others dont have them
By the way Nikki they can and do breed true to color but you gotta work at it
im used to the colors coming from my mottled birds. they were throwing all kinds of fun colors haha
My serama seems to be broody (going to wait a few days to see how serious she is about it)...coincidentally I have silkie eggs in my incubator (only on day 3)...can i give her 2 or when they hatch will the chicks grow too big too fast for her to cover them? (Im in NJ & this is the predicted weather for hatch day and beyond)
How big is the average Serama hen? I had a large fowl as a house pet yes I'm nuts. But sadly lost her but I thought maybe I should go with something smaller but I don't want something my chicken friendly under 20 pound dog are going to squished by accident wanting to play. Mostly this is my mom's fear? Also do you know of anyone who breeds in the northern California by the bay area?

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