American serama thread!

I find it cruel to trim the beak too. I am thinking of getting roll away nest boxes. But I guess I could try the ceramic egg too. I have already tried a golf ball to break them. But they didn't want to peck at it so that didn't work.
Most hens will not eat their eggs. Some claim you can teach them not to but i have not found a way. I give the culprit away or invite her to dinner. Best to remove egg eaters as soon as found as they will teach others to do the same. I feed my flock and my flock feeds me not each other.
guess what i got today ? an egg eater. hahaaa appenzeller. he said she was and i was blinded by her beauty. I knew she was getting ready to ay so i stayed and sure enough, no sooner out the butt then to the beak. I took it from her before she cracked it. Guess i will be taking my own advise !
Well this is my first hen. She is not even a year old yet. But she is such a sweetheart has never pecked me in a mean way. Her rooster however has jumped my arm a ton since I have gotten them. She does love beetles will that help harden up her eggs? I've never read that somewhere but then maybe nobody has asked. I have tried oyster shell and it does not work. I have tried Tums in their water that didn't work either. However, I didn't do oyster shell for that long. Has that ever helped anybody with soft-shelled eggs before? I am just wondering. Sorry for such a long post. But if I did get rid of her I don't know what I would do she is like my little feathered baby. Please help me. And what is a flock block?
I've always had great luck with golf balls. I've only had to use them a couple of times but pecking at without getting anything seems to do the trick after a while. Good luck

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