American serama thread!

Thank you Bobby, I am recovering from the episode. I'm thankful they had a peaceful end and did not suffer. I have no results yet but will certainly post when I do. Right now, I have 8 eggs in the bator for the New Years hatch but I think I may be a little early as I have about 3 of the eggs rocking so I could have babies by morning. I rushed to get the brooder set up and make sure the temp was perfect. My grandson who is visiting me ran into the kitchen and said the eggs were moving. I thought he didn't know what he was looking at because it is early but sure enough, I went into the laundry room where I have the bators and sure enough they were moving. I hope maybe to see some progress by tomorrow morning. I've got to go to bed, read a little and then get some sleep. I checked a couple of the eggs in the other bator and they seem to be doing OK. It was the 6th day for them. I never did check all the eggs in either bator........figured I'd be surprised.
I washed my frizzles today!! I should have some pics for your all tomorrow. Seems like they need a little extra time to puff back up after a bath.

They are so cute.... I can't wait to show them off.
I am trying I promise. my main computer died and I can not upload photos from my camera to my lap top. I have taken photos with my phone and I have emailed them to myself. They are not great...but they are photos. I will get them on here. soon.
sorry, if you still have coffee in that cup...itis probably cold by now.

eta: CR (aka: Chicken Rustler) on the washintonian site has become the latest owned by a serama. He got a little boy from Castle Delights for a pocket chicken. I think that the serama has taken over already.
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Candled today (day 7) ---- couldn't wait til day 10! All seven serama eggs are showing signs of development
One of the sizzles is lookin good too
Can't see anything in the d'Uccles yet - perhaps they didn't survive postal abuse.
I'm leaving them in until the lockdown check anyway unless there is a problem.
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went to do lock down candled eggs to see what needs to go in hatch drawer....everthing quit on me so there goes my new year hatch.... hope its not a sign of things to come
Yep! You enabler you!!!
And I do literally thank you everyday...especially for my Zephyr
He IS Castle Delight Seramas! (p.s. I want more eggs when you have them. I think I'm going to set in February

he he... just remind me, the girls have been layin up a storm.. maybe due to their new house and new "boyfriends" and the heatlamp lol

Sounds like my place right now lol...all my newbies are getting acquainted tonight...seems to be going very well

Thank you! I will send you a PM at the beginning of February!

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