America's Next Top Chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 23, 2013
Think your chicken is the cutest of the flock? Enter this form and enter your pictures
Other info/talents/facts:
Additional questions
If female, what is the usual amount of eggs laid each day?
Is their any other chickens in the coop? If so, how many?
And the judge's will choose the winner after 10-15 entries
Make your chicken a super star!
I really like my chick Bronco but I don't think he is a superstar.
Think your chicken is the cutest of the flock? Enter this form and enter your pictures
Name: Frack
Age: 7-ish years old
Gender: Hen
Breed: Dark Brahma
Other info/talents/facts: Frack is a house chicken. She is housebroken, comes when she is called, and is pretty smart for a chicken. She even hatched a brood in the kitchen! Every morning she walked her chicks across the kitchen, into the living room, and to the front door to be let out. In the afternoons, she would peck at the door to be let back in with her brood.
Additional questions
If female, what is the usual amount of eggs laid each day? Frack is pretty old, but still lays 2-3 eggs a week.
Is their any other chickens in the coop? If so, how many? There are about 60 or so chickens outside with whom Frack visits every day.
And the judge's will choose the winner after 10-15 entries
Make your chicken a super star!

Think your chicken is the cutest of the flock? Enter this form and enter your pictures
If female, what is the usual amount of eggs laid each day?
Is their any other chickens in the coop? If so, how many?
And the judge's will choose the winner after 10-15 entries
Make your chicken a super star!
Name: Millie
Age: 3 Yrs.
Gender: Hen
Breed: Belgian bearded Mille Fleur d'Uccle

Other info/talents/facts: Extremely Tame

Additional questions
She doesn't lay anymore.
36 other chickens

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