amerucana chick with no beard

Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

x2 on Michael O Shay's advice. Your chicks are probably Easter Eggers.

Sorry for the delay it hasn't been letting me upload pictures for some reason. Here's the one I was talking about. The is all for the friendly welcome. :)

Sorry for the delay it hasn't been letting me upload pictures for some reason. Here's the one I was talking about. The is all for the friendly welcome. :)

Do you have an updated picture? ( I seem to have a terrible time uploading pictures here, too).... I have an EE with no beard, exquisite coloring compared to her sisters... She is quite pretty, love EEs and their rainbows of colors....looks like your almost has a laced coloring... Curious what she feathered out like :)

Oh yes lol, welcome ha-ha, sorry to be rude and jump right in there :D
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Do you have an updated picture? ( I seem to have a terrible time uploading pictures here, too).... I have an EE with no beard, exquisite coloring compared to her sisters... She is quite pretty, love EEs and their rainbows of colors....looks like your almost has a laced coloring... Curious what she feathered out like :)

Oh yes lol, welcome ha-ha, sorry to be rude and jump right in there :D

Sadly we had some bobcats come through and took all of them :(
Thanks. They were my babies and I cried my eyes out the entire day but we have more and reinforced the pen even more so nothing is able to get into it.
Thanks. They were my babies and I cried my eyes out the entire day but we have more and reinforced the pen even more so nothing is able to get into it.

I felt really bad for bringing it up :(

I know how it feels though; we lost 7 mallards and a buttercup to a coon over the course of 3 nights, and trust me, I never thought I would have to have a padlock on a duck hut, but its gut wrenching to have a feeling that it was MY fault for not securing them better. We all have to take losses at some point. I'm glad you got more and decided to try again :)

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