

Eggcessive is right. You should not have a problem finding some. I have too many birds, and plan to reduce my numbers as well. I breed for new birds... sell some, and buy from someone elses stock (new blood) each year. I don't ship; just local. I have at least 40 to sell, and I'm sure that I am not alone. I may give some away. I enjoy raising them, and the ones I sell offset the price of care some. Houses and fencing can be much. I even moved some into the hen house that I did not plan to keep because I needed to even out the number and that run and house is the largest. Good luck, and eggs to hatcch may be a good way to go, or a local auction. Like Eggcessive above mentioned... there should be some on here! I plan on letting people in my area know that I have, and maybe one of them will have a few young cockerals (new blood) for me.(I won't keep but a few of mine)
The Ameraucana pros:

E6 holding Georgiana's little sister Ginger.​

  1. Lays up to 300 eggs consistently throughout the year.
  2. Has an extremely fun personality and goofy face features.
  3. Great variate in egg color, ranging from light blues and greens to different shades of cream and pink.
  4. Great being handled by adults and children.
  5. Not too loud like other breeds.
  6. Very curious and adventurous.
  7. Loves to follow you around.
  8. Great Mamas.
  9. Good as just pets and backyard chickens.
  10. Extremely sweet.

Ameraucana cons:

  1. Shy.
  2. Skittish at a young age.
  3. Love to escape.
  4. Sometimes their face fluff may need to be trimmed so they can see.
  5. often at the bottom of the pecking order.
  6. Some egg buyers may be worried about the color of the eggs.

From The Mairy Mai Chicken farm:

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