Ancona vs Exchequer Leghorn??

Aug 13, 2019
I have three chickens that I need help sexing/determining breed.

- All three are 15 weeks
- Order included 2 female Anconas and 1 male Leghorn/1 female Leghorn (lost one as a youngster)

Can anyone tell me which is an Ancona and which is a Leghorn?? Characteristics of both are single comb and yellow legs.

My guesses are:

1- is the most flighty of all of them, F Leghorn
2 - I’m on the fence either Ancona or M Leghorn
3 - Ancona





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Well you actually have no leghorns they’re all Anconas and all female. This is the first time I’ve seen another person with Ancona chickens in this site besides me so that’s cool.
Edit: Leghorns are all white unless you had specified another color of leghorn such as a brown leghorn. No leghorns come on that color pattern like you have above.
The place I ordered from I get chicks from a lot and they’ve never messed up an order so far. I only ordered one Ancona and they sent me a free extra female. I ordered one each of the exchequer leghorns. I lost one right away and was left with these three. I’m glad that you both agree that they are all female because that means I have two Anconas (1&3 I’m guessing) and I think 2 is the Leghorn then. Maybe. Lol I have studied and studied and I can not find a single distinguishing difference between the two breeds.
Well you actually have no leghorns they’re all Anconas and all female. This is the first time I’ve seen another person with Ancona chickens in this site besides me so that’s cool.
Edit: Leghorns are all white unless you had specified another color of leghorn such as a brown leghorn. No leghorns come on that color pattern like you have above.

Yep they are called Exchequer Leghorns actually :) i specifically ordered a male and female for breeding but am thinking of cutting them out of my program for now. I do love the Anconas tho, a rare breed indeed! Hard to find info on them.
How's their legs look?
I notice a couple pics showing some black splotches.
Raised more then a few exchequers and never had any with black splotches like that on the legs.
I will get a closer look tomorrow but I believe number 2 has just a few faint black splotches on its legs. The other two have very clear black splotches all over their legs.

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