Ancona with possible neurological issues

I finally got a moment, and went to spend some more time with Flippy. She still has a bit of a limp/funny movement on one side, but she looked good enough that I let her out of her cage. She walked in a straight line to her pool. :ya Barring re-lapses, I think she's good. :fl I'm still not exactly sure what happened, and whether it was the PND that did it or if she would have gotten better on her own, but I'm sure thankful.
I finally got a moment, and went to spend some more time with Flippy. She still has a bit of a limp/funny movement on one side, but she looked good enough that I let her out of her cage. She walked in a straight line to her pool. :ya Barring re-lapses, I think she's good. :fl I'm still not exactly sure what happened, and whether it was the PND that did it or if she would have gotten better on her own, but I'm sure thankful.
Yay for precious Flippy.

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