Anconas and Khaki Campbells--question

Maggies Pop

10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
Middletown (No CAL)
Hi folks! We are new to ducks and are going to pick up our firsts tomorrow. We have an opportunity to buy both Anconas and Khaki's. My question is....can they be housed together? I'm concerned about cross-breeding. Considering the difference in size is this a concern or will they not mate with another breed?

Thank you!

Yes, the breeds can certainly be housed together no problem.
They will cross breed unless you separate them by breed. They are different sizes but the difference is not big enough where you have to worry. The khakis are smaller, but not that much smaller.
Just be sure that as adults, you have at LEAST 2 females for every male, preferably 3 if possible. If you have less than that, your smaller hens may get beat up during mating season due to over-mating.
Anconas are very accepting of other breeds and new ducks being brought to the flock, but yes they will cross breed. To keep your breeds pure you would need to separate them by breed. They shouldn't cause any harm to one another by breeding since they are not too much different in size, but if you want purebred they are not going to just stick with their own breed unless you separate.
So, Bobbi, what did you pick up in the end? How many? Did you get mixed, or one breed? Do you have pix of them?
Thanks for your replies! Very helpful. My concern was mainly about making sure if cross breeding happened that the sizes wouldn't be an issue. I would hate for a smaller bird to be harmed by laying an egg that is too big. I am pretty quick with chicken stuff...but ducks...ducks are a whole new world for us! LOL

We did pick up our lovies yesterday. We are in LOVE! OMGosh...they are so stinkin' cute. We got 5 Anconas and 4 Khaki's. 2 of the khaki's were a cross (not sure what) but we were told they would be a lavender color.

I thought I was in trouble with chickens! The bottom picture was taken after their loooong ride home, they are kinda messy. They have been cleaning up nicely in their new pool. :)

Thanks for your help and i'm sure I will be back with more questions! LOL
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Fab pix!!! Thank you for the update; they are totally adorable!
Pretty duckies! I really like my little Serama chickens, but I LOVE my ducks. They are just so cute and funny to watch. I hatched 8 Anconas a month ago and they are the sweetest things. These are the first Anconas I've had, but so far, I really like their temperaments.
Thanks for your replies! Very helpful. My concern was mainly about making sure if cross breeding happened that the sizes wouldn't be an issue. I would hate for a smaller bird to be harmed by laying an egg that is too big. I am pretty quick with chicken stuff...but ducks...ducks are a whole new world for us! LOL

We did pick up our lovies yesterday. We are in LOVE! OMGosh...they are so stinkin' cute. We got 5 Anconas and 4 Khaki's. 2 of the khaki's were a cross (not sure what) but we were told they would be a lavender color.

I thought I was in trouble with chickens! The bottom picture was taken after their loooong ride home, they are kinda messy. They have been cleaning up nicely in their new pool. :)

Thanks for your help and i'm sure I will be back with more questions! LOL
Thank you Mum! I am already in love

ChristineR--I agree...ours are very, very sweet too. They are so gentle and act like little mommies to the Khaki's. The Khaki's are 2 wks old and the Anconas are 6 wks. I never thought I would fall for ducks too! Good Lord....what's going to happen when we get our turkeys!
I'm turning into the crazy bird lady!


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