And here I thought, "No problem... I can build a coop this week!"


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013
Hood River, Oregon
Hello Everyone,

I'm sure I'm not the ONLY one, but that doesn't make it any easier on DH.. yup, I put the chickens before the coop. But hey, our sweet 15 yr. old girl is growing up fast and she isn't going to be with us forever, you know? And she's been begging to get some chickens. "Can we just go look at them? Please???" I mean, what's the harm in looking?

"Okay, but we're only going to LOOK, not buy." I even left my purse in the car! I had no intention of buying that day, but once we got around those fluffy chicks and saw pictures of what beautiful hens they'd become, all common sense just flew the coop and it was all too easy to fetch my wallet and collect the immediate necessitities.

It wasn't that big of deal for me to build some temporary housing the next day while hubby was at work, but while I've been searching for the perfect "coop" this past MONTH (eh, hem...I've been a little busy with the rest of life) the chicks have been growing incredibly FAST and have outlived their welcome in our living room. Eh, hem.

So, ya.... it's crunch time. And I'm a little freaked out at all the comments within the coop pages stating, "I'll admit it took a lot longer than I anticipated."
Huh?! No, no, no! And here I thought, "No problem... I can build a coop this week!"

Hahahahaha! I crack me up!

NOTE TO SELF: It'll be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

Thanks to everyone here who share their experience, expertise, wisdom, humor, and encouragement. God knows, I am in need of all of those things.
Howdy from Kansas, GardenChicks, and
! Pleased you joined us! I do that all time - add poultry without proper housing and then I have to scramble. Right now it's turkeys - I have 5 "homeless" ones...this weekend...this weekend it will happen!!
sounds like my story! My 17 year old son has been asking to raise chickens and I told my husband" what's the big deal? our son wants to be home raising chickens....better than some other things he could be doing." Of course we had no coop and I'm the one who said no chicks until the coop is built. Our chicks are 7 weeks old and our coop was just finished this week. Whew, I was beginning to panic.
And to top it off we had this monsoon rain week and had to redo lots of things that didn't quite go the way we thought it would...but's it's great now!

good luck and keep plugging away and enjoy your chicks!
We decided to get chickens after my grown children's treehouse fell out of its perch during a snow storm. We had lots of lumber from other outgrown boy toys in our yard, bought a couple of windows, some vinyl flooring, made nesting boxes, bought 100 ft of 1/2 hardware cloth and it is still not done! If we were paying ourselves we'd be making like 50 cents an hour. Those first few eggs will be the most expensive we have ever eaten......still a couple of weeks until the girls arrive and hopefully only 1 more weekend of work on the coop!

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